0.9.215 (Preview)
- S3 AI:
- Fixes a bug that led to desyncs
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Fixes a bug in the Mayan custom presets.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Fixes a bug where not all selected special units were converted (now max 460 at a time).
- Fixes 2 FEs that occurred frequently directly at game start.
- Reverts the changes to the Lua functions “Buildings.AddBuilding” and “Buildings.AddBuildingEx”, as this can lead to backwards compatibility problems.
- The lookout tower now reports units in the entire view radius.
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Enhanced GUI interaction:
- It is now possible to reduce the number of selected thieves etc. by scrolling in the selection menu of specialists.
- In the specialists' recruitment menu, you can now right-click on the units in the menu to search for them (as in the Find Settlers menu). Right-click + Ctrl selects all on the screen, right-click + Shift/Alt (either one) selects all.
- In the Settlers Find menu, you can now right-click on a unit in the menu to search for it directly. Right-click + Ctrl to select all on the screen, right-click + Shift/Alt (either or) to select all.
- User-defined priority of the area selection:
- It is now possible to customize the prioritization of the area selection, so that e.g. the war machine is not always selected in the area selection. To be set in the SU Launcher.
- User-defined priority of area selection - paramilitary:
- Same as above, only for paramilitary. In the case of paramilitaries, the unit type that is furthest up on the screen is always selected in the area selection. This option can be used to set a fixed priority, e.g. pioneers > geologists > etc.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- The HP of construction sites now scales with each raw material used (from 0-50% as long as it is a construction site, as a finished building the HP then jumps to 100%).
- 4 new AI modes: Passive, Defensive and Aggressive (the “AttackMode” was set via “AI.SetPlayerVar”) as well as Original (without desync patch, which leads to more harmless attacks when the tower to be attacked is torn down, but experience has shown that there are significantly more desyncs).
- War machines and ships can now be attacked by all ranged fighters, whereas blowgunners and backpack catapultists could not before
- If buildings are damaged, attacking war machines and warships are now also reported, not just saboteurs.
- The lookout tower now also reports war machines, warships and ferries.
- The gift spell now also works on the mountain and beach.
- The convert land spell is no longer hindered by paths and construction areas and deletes all objects on land within its radius, even if the land underneath it does not change (new).
- Chat commands:
- "!ff" (forfeit): all own military buildings are immediately demolished, even if opponents are nearby and the game is automatically lost.
- Extended keyboard layout (hotkeys):
- Text can now be inserted into the in-game chat using Ctrl+v.
- NEW Lua functions ([optional parameters]) (https://docs.settlers-united.com/s4-lua-api-de):
- Buildings.AddBuildingSU(x, y, playerID, buildingID) -> buildingID
- Buildings.AddBuildingExSU(x, y, playerID, buildingID[, radiusToCheck=24]) -> buildingID
- Game.GetLanguage() -> Language
- Game.AddBeds(playerID, amount)
- Game.SetBeds(playerID, amount)
- Settlers.AddSettlersWithBeds(x, y, playerID, settlerType, amount)
- Implemented changes for the balance packs:
- UBO Test 4.0.2:
- Charcoalmaker now has an input/output ratio of 1:1 instead of the previous 6:6.
- UBO Test 4.0.2:
- Enhanced GUI interaction:
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- The Romans' Convert spell no longer converts all special units to healers, but ranged fighters become archers, melee fighters become swordsmen, only healers become healers as before.
- The maximum number of settlers and buildings on the map has been increased from 20k to 64k. However, there can never be more than 64k objects/settlers/buildings/etc. in total!
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
0.9.214 (22.11.2024)
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- War machines can no longer attack buildings of the Dark Tribe.
- Fixes the minutely played Yippie sound of the geologists when “Permanent Resource Tables” is activated.
- Fixes an FE when occupied towers are placed too close to the edge of the map.
- Fixes a bug in the Lua function “Buildings.AddBuildingEx” and consequently also “Buildings.AddBuilding”, so that buildings are now only placed if they can actually be built at this location, which was previously not checked correctly. In addition, the “Ex” function now searches as expected in a spiral around the specified position for a place where the building can be built.
- Advanced keyboard layout (hotkeys):
- Units are now selected more accurately. This fixes e.g. the error that instead of the Trojans' tool forge, units were selected behind it.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Random map menu: Shift+Tab jumps to the previous random number.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Optional: optimal working areas: affects grain and sunflower farms.
- Pinging: Team members can now be pinged. A red arrow appears on the map (if the location is visible) and for the pinged players a text message appears, which makes the screen jump to the ping as well as an animation on the minimap and additionally a sound (./thesettlers4/Snd/pingDefault.wav) is played, for a custom sound the file ./thesettlers4/Snd/ping.wav can be created as desired (only .wav files!). The corresponding ping settings (activated, duration, volume, etc.) can be adjusted in the SU-launcher. The team members are pinged at the current mouse position on the map (not minimap) via chat input (“!p”) or via hotkey (“onPingAtMouseCoordinatesYourTeam”, default: mouse wheel click; for this the hotkeys must be reset or added manually).
- NEW Lua functions ([optional parameters]) (https://docs.settlers-united.com/s4-lua-api-de):
- Buildings.AddConstructionSite(x, y, playerID, buildingID) -> buildingID
- Buildings.AddConstructionSiteEx(x, y, playerID, buildingID[, radiusToCheck=24]) -> buildingID
- Game.ShowTextMessage(msg[, icon[, lifetime_s[, x, y]]])
- Game.stm(msg[, icon[, lifetime_s[, x, y]]]) // corresponds to Game.ShowTextMessage(...)
- Game.PingTeamOfPlayer(x, y, playerID[, arrowDuration=15[, minimapDuration=arrowDuration[, msg[, icon=8[, lifetime_s=120[, x, y]]]]]])
- Game.PingTeamOfPlayer(x, y, playerID[, msg[, icon=8[, lifetime_s=120[, x, y]]]])
- Game.PingTeam(x, y, teamID[, arrowDuration=15[, minimapDuration=arrowDuration[, msg[, icon=8[, lifetime_s=120[, x, y]]]]]])
- Game.PingTeam(x, y, teamID[, msg[, icon=8[, lifetime_s=120[, x, y]]]])
- Game.PingPlayer(x, y, playerID[, arrowDuration=15[, minimapDuration=arrowDuration[, msg[, icon=8[, lifetime_s=120[, x, y]]]]]])
- Game.PingPlayer(x, y, playerID[, msg[, icon=8[, lifetime_s=120[, x, y]]]])
- Game.Ping(x, y[, arrowDuration=15[, minimapDuration=arrowDuration[, msg[, icon=8[, lifetime_s=120[, x, y]]]]]])
- Game.Ping(x, y[, msg[, icon=8[, lifetime_s=120[, x, y]]]])
- Game.GetMapName() -> mapName
- Game.GetMapNameRelativePath() -> mapNameRelativePath
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Increased the maximum number of stacks of goods on the map from 20k to 64k. However, there can never be more than 64k objects/settlers/buildings/etc. in total!
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
0.9.213 (05.11.2024)
- S3 Pregame-Lobby: Adds more information when your game client is not yet ready to launch the game.
0.9.212 (04.11.2024)
-S3 AI:
Deactivates the pioneers, as they may cause desynchronization
S3 Modern:
New Storage Building
- You can now better control when and which goods are placed in a storage, and when they are taken out.
- The settings for each storage can be changed for each instance or globally.
- The digging time for a storage is drastically reduced while at the same time the potential building positions are drastically increased.
Overall these changes are intended to make the storage a more attractive option when compared with the market building. The market remains unchanged.
Specialist Changes
- Pioneers now have three different modes determining what land they capture: All land, no ally land, gold land
- By default, and when a player is dead, they use the no ally land mode.
- Pathways are a bit wider when new land is captured, and remain the same when capturing owned land (for example, a pathway in allied land to a mine on the mountain).
Pioneers are often a source of frustration when capturing land close to allies. By defaulting, to no ally land, this hopefully is somewhat reduced. Making pathways a bit wider increases micro potential particular in the beginning of the game.
- Geologists now can search the mountain with varying precision: High, Medium and Low
- The sign placement is also fixed now (previously it could vary depending on the starting location of the search).
These changes are intended to reduce the randomness with which mines are discovered, and nudge the player to more efficiently search the mountain. When operating in low precision mode the search speed is reduced. This still allows players to get an advantage by manually microing geologists.
0.9.211 (06.10.2024)
- S3:
- Adds the ability in spectator mode/replay to view the map from the perspective of the active player.
- Adds a new selection phase at the start of the game where, in addition to choosing the civilization, the starting position can also be selected.
0.9.210 (20.09.2024)
- S3 AI:
- Fixes a bug that could lead to crashes
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Advanced hotkeys:
- "Windows Hook":
- Improved performance: less system lags.
- Improved stability and reliability: some inputs were previously lost.
- Mouse buttons are now also queried with "Windows Hook" (even if "Mouse Hook" is deactivated).
- "Mouse Hook": Improved performance so that this option should no longer lead to system lag.
- "Windows Hook":
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Axewarriors no longer attack construction sites of mility buildings.
- Saboteurs no longer get stuck when trying to attack buildings.
- UBO 3.9.2 (current version):
- The costs of the spells were not transferred correctly in the last update.
- Advanced hotkeys:
- S3 Pregame-Lobby: Adds some sound effects.
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Game crash:
- There should now ALWAYS be a FE window (FE for "Fatal Error") when the game crashes. If not, please report it via Discord!
- The FE message has been adjusted to help find the cause directly - please report it via Discord (image or text)!
- If the game crashes, an additional file "FE_XXX.txt" is now saved in the log folder (./Documents/TheSettlers4/Log/) in order to be able to directly distinguish log files with errors from normal logs.
- Optional: Settlers no longer generate a path.
- Optional: Persistant Resource Boards - unless a mine is placed over them. They are also refreshed every minute.
- Optional: Piles are dropped outside of the building footprint when buildings are demolished. This means that the same building can be built in exactly the same position without having to transport the piles from destruction away first.
- The log files ("TraceXXX.txt") are now archived as soon as the Trace999.txt file exists. Previously, only 999 was ever overwritten afterwards. Existing archives are deleted so that log files do not accumulate endlessly.
- Chat commands (for more information enter "!help" in the chat in the game):
- "!sr 2": Display all resource boards at a specific distance (2) from each other*, 0 to delete all.
- "!sro 1": Display all resource boards WITHOUT empty boards at a specific distance (1) from each other*, 0 to delete all. (*Both options currently place resource boards even on top of mines. This is considered a feature to see as much information as possible about the resource deposits, if necessary this can be removed. You can always change the density and remove them again.)
- "!attack 1 2 100" etc. (see "!help"): Player 1 is attacked by AI 2 with 100 troops (not soldiers!). This only works if there are enough soldiers available who are not patrolling or currently executing another command and if the peacetime is over.
- Implemented changes for the balance packs:
- UBO Test 4.0.1:
- Military building [R/V/M/T]:
- Castle: [250] HP and [13/10/13/16] armor -> [230/210/230/250] HP and [14] armor
- Large tower: [125] HP and [13/10/13/16] armor -> [150/140/150/160] HP and [12] armor
- Small tower: [75] HP and [13/10/13/16] armor -> [70/60/70/80] HP and [10] armor
- Buildings now have 8 instead of 4 HP per good that the building costs, unless the building is assigned exact hitpoints (mainly civilian buildings).
- Range (attack and vision) of war machines: 20 -> 22
- Military building [R/V/M/T]:
- UBO Test 4.0.1:
- Game crash:
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Saboteurs now attack at more than just builder slots, also allowing more saboteurs to attack the same building at once.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
0.9.205 (15.09.2024)
- S3-Lobby: Adds a new option, to run a race picking phase before game start using A BB A player order.
0.9.204 (07.09.2024)
- S3 Lobby: Adds personal team generator preferences
- S3 Lobby: Fixes an issue with remembered settings.
0.9.203 (28.08.2024)
- Lobby: Re-activates the post-match feedback dialog for S3 games.
0.9.202 (24.08.2024)
- S3 Lobby: Fixes an issue when re-connecting to a running game that uses a non-default version (e.g. preview version).
0.9.201 (24.08.2024)
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- War machines and warships can now be given a target to attack via right click, this was previously very unreliable.
- The Thor's Hammer animation of war machines and warships is now displayed at the correct position
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Custom presets:
- Transport priority of goods (adjustable in the SU launcher: Settings/S4/Game/User-defined presets).
- Each category can now be reset independently.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Preparations for balancing changes:
- All settlers, vehicles and buildings now use the armor and explorerRadius specified in the configuration file, as well as attack range and speed if applicable.
- Preparations for balancing changes:
- Custom presets:
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- The following patches are hereby transferred from UBO-TEST to UBO Lobbies (see previous changelogs for more detailed information on each item):
- Fixes paused storage areas that were no longer paused after loading a save.
- Fixes a FE with hunters.
- Hunters “reserve” their target to prevent multiple hunters from going to the same animal.
- Donkeys and trading ships unload goods outside the destination to avoid blocking it.
- Fixes fish to coal bug.
- Optional saves naming with attached game time (see SU-launcher: Settings/S4/Game).
- “Refresh resources” also refreshes completely empty resources.
- Fixes Thor's Hammer.
- Building limit increased from 4,000 to 32,000.
- Removed message when not saved for a long time.
- AutoSaves are triggered by the 1st human player still alive, even if the host leaves the game.
- Saves can be made at any time.
- The Trojan spells “Delicacies”, “Gate of Fear” and “Attack from the Void” now also work on allies.
- Priests are now also affected by the following spells: Shield and Convert (Roman), Teleportation (Mayan) and Peacemaking (Trojan)
- Optional debugging file.
- Fixes a FE in AI attacks.
- Fixes a FE for the Dark Tribe.
- Workareas can be set anywhere.
- AI attacks are handled by the 1st human player and communicated to teammates to cause less desyncs.
- Barracks now search for free settlers from their door, not from the “hotspot”.
- The game speed can now be changed immediately in single player without cheats (NumPad, hotkeys: Alt+Digit).
- Fixes a bug of the pioneers where they place single stones in a foreign country.
- Optional new chat commands (for more information enter “!help” in the game).
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Lookout towers do not reveal the surrounding area until they are occupied (same as military buildings).
- Dark buildings now have a view radius.
- Saboteurs now cause damage with every hit (previously 75% chance of success).
- Saboteurs now also attack construction sites.
- War machines and warships can now also attack civilian buildings and construction sites by command.
- Implemented changes for the balance packs:
- UBO 3.9.2: takes over everything from UBO Test 3.9.2 (for more detailed information see https://settlers-united.com/de/features_s4_ubo)
- UBO Test 4.0.0:
- Saboteurs: 6 dmg -> 11 dmg, with 100% chance of success (i.e. net 1 dmg on buildings due to building armor)
- Civilian buildings: 0 armor -> 10 armor
- Military buildings: 5 armor -> 13 R / 10 V / 13 M / 16 T armor
- War machines: 25 dmg -> 30 R / 90 V (instead of 100) / 40 M / 50 T dmg
- Viking war machine mana per shot: 15 mana -> 5 mana
- The following patches are hereby transferred from UBO-TEST to UBO Lobbies (see previous changelogs for more detailed information on each item):
0.9.200 (23.08.2024)
- S3 AI
- The GetNearestEnemyTower function incorrectly used the attacked player to determine the next tower instead of the attacker.
- S3 AI
- Initial food distribution for AI mines set to use non-optimal food sources (e.g. fish) if optimal food sources are not available.
- Added large towers and fortresses to the list of defense locations.
- S3/S4: Improves compatibility with third-party anti-virus installations
- S3:
- For Ranked games, teams are now automatically generated.
- ELO is only updated when playing ranked games.
0.9.198 (31.07.2024)
- Fixes displayed win/loss ration in S3 pre-game lobbies
0.9.197 (20.07.2024)
S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Various stability improvements.
- AutoSaves are now made every full minute instead of at intervals.
- The set preferences in lobbies are now also loaded correctly in campaigns where the last used ones were previously loaded (by JHNP).
- Improve text when user joins SU lobby without SU (by JHNP).
- Extended hotkeys:
- The functions "onDestroyEntityImmediatelyIfPossibleSelect..." now jump to the next/previous building, should the current one currently not be able to be demolished.
- NumPad-"," no longer freezes the game.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Fixes bug where if pioneers were already in their animation while the land below them was taken by another player's tower, they would still take the territory captured and protected by the tower, which could only be reclaimed by a new tower.
- Fixes the bug that the game was no longer saved or the AIs no longer attacked as soon as the 1st human player had lost but had not yet left the game.
- If map names including settings were too long, the map preview could no longer be displayed. Now the corresponding icon is always right-aligned. If something is covered, the launcher can be made wider as usual. (from heyo aka Felix)
- Fixed the contribute link replacing PayPal with Stripe (supports many ways to contribute including bank transfer via Klarna)
- Fixed a bug with Discord login showing a blank page for some users.
S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Network delay: can be set freely (default: 500ms, 300ms seems to work fine):
- ATTENTION: this depends on the network connections and PCs of all players.
- the smaller, the faster buildings appear on the map and commands are accepted, but the more likely it is that lags will occur
- the larger, the longer the delay, but fewer lags
- For a change during the game (HD patch settings or experimentally via chat input, see in-game for more detailed information), the game must be saved and reloaded after the change.
- Game speed:
- In single player, it can now be changed without cheats (NumPad digit, HD patch settings or via hotkeys (default: Alt+digit)).
- Optional: in multiplayer, it can only be changed by the host (see single player).
- Optional: Pioneers can also capture the land of allies. This only affects human players, pioneers of AIs behave as usual.
- New AI mode "Resign": all AIs destroy their buildings and settlers.
- Optional: extended chat commands: e.g. (only) AIs can be destroyed (all units and buildings). In single player, all LUA commands can be entered, which can also be used in map scripts (attention: syntax!).
- Network delay: can be set freely (default: 500ms, 300ms seems to work fine):
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Player- and mapnames as well as mapkeys (from random maps) can now be copied with a click. (by heyo aka Felix)
- Show the S3 score in the games list on hover
0.9.196 (08.06.2024)
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Custom presets:
- Fixes the distribution of coal and iron to the weaponsmith, which was always set to its default value.
- Fixes the distribution of iron to the vehicle factory for new economic sectors.
- Custom presets:
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Custom presets:
- All (sub)profiles now have an “Save to all subprofiles” button.
- Various design adjustments.
- Implements changes for the balance packs
- UBO Test 3.9.2
- Shared:
- Swordsmen: 10/13/20dmg 100/175/210HP instead of 10/13/20dmg 100/180/210HP
- Troyans:
- Backpackcatapultists: 6/11/11dmg 30/30/55HP instead of 6/13/13dmg 30/35/55P
- Shared:
- UBO Test 3.9.2
- Custom presets:
0.9.194 (01.06.2024)
S3 AI:
- Fixes a bug that can lead to crashes.
S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Fixes a visualization bug in the SU launcher of random maps where the map information mirroring, size and landmass were sometimes displayed incorrectly.
- Fixes a FE that occurred when AIs tried to attack when they had already lost. This mainly occurred with the advanced AI, as it attacks quite aggressively.
- Auto- and QuickSaves that were renamed by “Saves naming” are now correctly archived in the corresponding folder with the automatic archiving when S4 is started.
- Extended keyboard mapping (hotkeys):
- Fixes a bug where S4 would freeze in single player mode if chat was opened during a paused game.
- The error message if there were errors in the configuration of the hotkeys now only appears once. If “Cancel” is clicked here, the hotkeys are deactivated.
- Implements changes for the balance packs
- UBO Test 3.9.1
- Romans:
- Convert 31mana instead of 30mana
- Jupiters Lightning 24mana 17targets instead of 25mana 15targets
- Vikings:
- Beekeeper 6/3 instead of 4/2
- Small Temple 4/3 instead of 6/4
- Bloodrush 14mana 35targets 40sec instead of 13mana 40targets 45sec and +75% dmg increase instead of +100%
- Freeze 13mana 24targets instead of 12mana 25targets
- Fear 15mana 17targets instead of 16mana 15targets
- Mayans:
- Large Residence 6 builders instead of 8
- Troyans:
- Backpackcatapultists: 6/13/13dmg 30/30/55HP instead of 6/13/13dmg 30/35/70P
- Romans:
- UBO Test 3.9.1
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Custom presets:
- Now presets are applied to all economic sectors, not just the 1st one. This affects all presets except settlers.
- The GUI has been revised so that incorrect settings (e.g. sum of distribution is not 100%) are recognized and displayed. Incorrect presets can therefore no longer be saved.
- Extended keyboard assignment (hotkeys):
- All functions that set or change the priority of a building site now jump to the next building site of this building type if an already completed building was selected.
- Custom presets:
S3 AI:
- Unit control has been adjusted.
- Priority for replaced buildings.
S4 (from heyo aka Felix):
- Custom presets for the weaponsmith (changeable in the SU settings).
- Automatic deletion of archived saves (default: Off). This is separately adjustable for all types of saves (manual, Auto- and QuickSave, the latter two further divided into campaign, single player and multiplayer) by time and a maximum storage size in the SU launcher.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Barracks now search for free settlers starting from their door, no longer from their “hotspot”, which is unfavorably located, especially for the Vikings, so that free settlers were preferably requested from behind the barracks.
- New optional settings:
- “In-game statistics”: provides multiple options to customize in-game statistics in both single and multiplayer modes to show only the statistics of yourself, your team, all but human enemies, all but teams with human enemies, or all. The statistics include the number of soldiers, losses, land size and resources.
- “Build without leveling”: when activated, construction sites can be built immediately, even on uneven terrain, without having to be leveled. This means you no longer need diggers, but you still don't have flat maps.
0.9.193 (28.04.2024)
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Extended GUI interaction: by right-clicking on the working area symbol in building menus, the screen jumps to the set working area.
- Detailed logging: this creates a detailed file with all the logs that exist in the game that is saved continuously (not just after errors) to make it easier to track errors. There is only ever one file that is overwritten per game, as this can become very large. It can be activated under SU-Launcher -> Settings -> S4 -> Tools -> Show developer options.
- Implements experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- AI / Desyncs: the AI attack evaluation is now only done from a single PC and sent to all other participants, as exactly this 1st evaluation is mostly responsible for desyncs.
- Visibility of work areas: the work areas of barracks and military hospitals are now also displayed outside your own land (optionally also all work areas of all building types (can be activated in the game in the HD patch settings under UI patches and in the SU launcher -> Settings -> S4 -> Graphics -> Interface)). These 2 (or if activated for all) work areas are now also displayed above water and the snap-to-land has been removed, which makes the specified work area jump closer to the mainland so that you cannot test for land/water etc. in undiscovered areas.
- Implements changes for the balance packs
- UBO 3.9.0
- Unit Changes:
- Backpackcatapultists: 30/35/70HP 6/9/11dmg -> 30/35/70HP 6/13/13dmg
- Balance Changes:
- All large temples now give 10 mana instead of 12
- All large temples now cost 3 gold bars instead of 2
- All races now start with 3 gold ore instead of 2 on HG (high starting goods)
- Mayan stone curse: 12mana 7targets -> 9mana 6targets
- Mayan shortcut spell: 10mana -> 9mana
- Shortcut spells [R|V|M|T]: [10|8|10|8]mana [8|12|8|8]range -> [10|8|10|8]mana [9|12|9|9]range
- Gift of god spells [R|V|M|T]: [12|8|10|10]mana-> [10|8|9|9]mana
- Troyan sunflower farm: 5/2 instead of 4/2
- Troyan oil press: 5/2 instead of 4/2
- Troyan stone mine: 4/2 instead of 5/2
- MG starting goods: wood/stone, axes/saws/pickaxes
- Unit Changes:
- Roman: 27/27 (=54), 5/2/4
- Viking: 36/18 (=54), 7/3/3 -> 40/14 (=54), 7/3/3
- Mayan: 20/24 (=44), 5/2/5 -> 14/24 (=38), 4/2/4
- Troyan: 24/30 (=54), 5/2/4
- UBO 3.9.0
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Magic:
- The Trojan spell "Delicacies" now works as intended and is no longer limited to 9 mines, the Radius is unchanged.
- Extended keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys):
- Tab (onSelectNext/PreviousEntityKey): the correct work area of the now selected building is now displayed (previously the one of the first clicked building was always displayed).
- Due to balancing issues, the "Attack Canceling" patch has been removed from all game modes, so this bug is back. Attack Canceling bug: if soldiers are moved while fighting, the attack animation is played to the end, but no damage is dealt afterwards.
- Magic:
0.9.191 (05.04.2024)
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Working areas of buildings can now be set arbitrarily, without maximum distance to the building and also beyond own territory. However, workers still do not leave their own land. Note: the working area is not displayed outside your own area, but it does work.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- S4:
- Fixes the problem with the videos, they are available again. The video setting in the launcher can be changed if necessary.
- "Mine Mode": "Never Empty" immediately reduced the occurrence to 1 after the last update, now it drops to 1 as intended and stays there.
- Fixes an FE that occurs when dark land is converted to green.
- Fixes an FE that occurs in connection with economic sectors.
- Logging: store now more useful and ignores redundant information.
0.9.188 (03.04.2024)
- S4:
- There is a problem with the videos, so they are temporarily unavailable. The video setting in the launcher has no influence on this and does not need to be changed.
0.9.187 (03.04.2024)
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- The strength of the AI (Easy or Normal) is now loaded correctly and saved correctly in each menu.
- Repeated building placement: if Ctrl (*) is pressed while a building is being placed, the same building type can be placed repeatedly without having to select it again in the menu. Can be deactivated under SU -> Settings -> S4 -> Game -> Controls. *The key can be changed, see README in "Advanced Hotkeys".
- Advanced GUI interaction: With this option, you can specify that more GUI elements than just buttons can be interacted with. Currently, this includes (based on the original plugin "Unlimited Selection Mod" by nyfrk) the military menu, where clicking on unit icons selects only these units (left-click) or removes this unit from the selection (right-click), a double left-click selects exactly one soldier. If Ctrl is pressed in the meantime, all of the same level (column) are selected/removed, with Shift all of the same type (row). Scrolling reduces the selection of this type by 1, pressing Ctrl while doing so reduces it by 10. Right-clicking on the red cross only selects fully healed soldiers (also in the specialist menu). However, the GUI is refreshed with a delay. This option can be deactivated via SU -> Settings -> S4 -> Graphics -> Interface -> Advanced GUI interaction.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Logging: significantly more information is now written to the log file (exclusively) in case of errors (desyncs, FEs, etc.), which can help us to better locate bugs, especially in multiplayer phenomena such as desyncs. If an error occurs, please close Settlers completely and post the latest "TraceXXX.txt" file (.\Documents\TheSettlers4\Log\) in the bugs channel on Discord.
- Building limit: increased from 4,000 per map to 32,000. Note: However, there can never be more than approx. 64,000 buildings and units in total.
- AutoSaves are no longer triggered by the host, but by the first human player. This means that even if the host / 1st human player leaves the game, AutoSaves are still created and everyone else can continue to play normally.
- Magic:
- The Trojan spells Delicacies, Gate of Fear and Attack from the Void now also work on allies.
- Priests are now also affected by the following spells: Shield and Convert (Romans), Teleportation (Mayans) and Peacemaking (Trojans)
- Extended keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys):
- Adds 4 new functions to destroy buildings / settlers etc immediately and if it is a building the next one is automatically selected (onDestroyEntityImmediatelyIfPossibleSelectNextOneKey etc.). For destroying many buildings you just captured (e.g. small towers) I suggest you use the functions with "Previous" in their name. ATTENTION: these new options can also destroy the last tower if the hotkey is pressed too quickly in succession (this is due to the 500ms delay in net events).
- S4 (by kdsystem1337):
- The settings menu in S4 has been reworked:
- The order of the individual options now corresponds to those in SU.
- The hint texts have been revised and all setting options (mine deposits, fish stocks, AI-mode and many more) have been expanded with hint texts.
- Optional settings (Balancing: "Ultimate Overhaul (Test)"):
- The ferry capacity can now be set. Possible values 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 240 units.
- The AI "Advanced (TEST)" has been extended by a hint text, which disappears after 45 seconds.
- The AutoSave interval can now be set. Possible intervals in minutes 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 30 / 60.
- There are now also additional texts for all active settings (in the map settings window at the bottom left) when you move the mouse over the respective text.
- The settings menu in S4 has been reworked:
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Due to balancing issues, the "Attack Canceling" patch has been removed from all game modes except UBO Test, so this bug is back. Attack Canceling bug: if soldiers are moved while fighting, the attack animation is played to the end, but no damage is dealt afterwards.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- "It has not been saved for some time!" (or similar, Idk) message has been removed, as an AutoSave is made immediately afterwards anyway.
- The time window of 1 minute in which it was not possible to save in multiplayer mode after the last save has been removed.
- Thor's Hammer: now works against all enemies. Previously, whether the spell worked or not depended on the alliances and player ID of the casting party.
- Fixes a FE if the save folder in the documents does not exist.
- The messages "Reloading Hotkeys...", "Settlers United AI Disabled" and "Settlers United AI Advanced (PT 60)" now disappear automatically and can be clicked away.
- "Mine mode": "Never empty" could still become empty with a low probability, but no longer.
0.9.185 (12.03.2024)
- SU:
- Adds an option in the settings for Settlers United to optionally disable the WireGuard VPN module: This option allows you to set Settlers United to never use the internal Settlers United VPN. The VPN is currently only required for the old network mode (client-to-client via VPN) of the Settlers III lobbies.
- SU:
- Fixes various problems with the WireGuard VPN module for S3. Among other things, it is no longer activated if no S3 installation is found.
0.9.185 (10.03.2024)
- S4:
- Calculation of building points (by heyo aka Felix):
- When activated, building points are now only calculated for the current screen (no longer for the entire map) and the animation has been removed (the points now appear immediately). This removes stutters when a lot of land is occupied. Nevertheless, depending on the zoom factor and system, (small) lags may occur. Therefore, this patch must be activated manually in the settings in SU -> S4 or directly in the game (HD patch).
- Fixes an unnecessary calculation of building points at the edge of the screen.
- Implemented new experimental lobby option "AI Mode" with three modes
- "Classic" mode
- The AI behaves normally. No adjustments are made.
- "Advanced" mode
- The AI behaves normally, but attacks immediately from minute 60. This is an early mitigation against the "AI desync" bug. We expect desyncs in this mode from 60 minutes at the earliest (on random maps), ideally no desyncs. All reports of "desync" games or "non-desync" games are important to further narrow down the problem.
- A message appears in the game: "--- Settlers United AI Advanced (PT 60) ---"
- "Disabled" mode
- The AI is deactivated and does not perform any actions. The behaviour is identical to an "AFK" player.
- A message appears in the game: "--- Settlers United AI Disabled ---"
- "Classic" mode
- Implemented Experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies) (by heyo aka Felix):
- Save naming:
- Multiplayer:
- Saves are now no longer numbered with A-H ("MAPNAME_A.sav"), but with the game time, e.g. "MAPNAME_01h49_QSmp.sav". The 2 digits before the "h" ("01") stand for the playing time in hours, the 2 digits after ("49") for the minutes. "QS" is appended to a QuickSave (Ctrl+S), "AS" to an AutoSave (after 4 minutes in which no save was made). "mp" stands for Multiplayer, as this system is also used for Singleplayer and files should not be over-saved (see below).
- Singleplayer:
- There are 2 separate options here for Quick- and AutoSaves (can be changed in the SU -> S4 settings):
- Original: as it was before, "QuickSave.sav" or "AutoSave.sav". A file that is overwritten each time the game is saved.
- With attached game time, same as the system for multiplayer (see above). Extends "sp" for Singleplayer and "cp" for Campaign.
- As an additional option, "QuickSave" and "AutoSave" can be replaced (separately) by the name of the map.
- There are 2 separate options here for Quick- and AutoSaves (can be changed in the SU -> S4 settings):
- Archiving (both single- and multiplayer):
- If a new game is started (not loaded), all Auto- and QuickSaves, marked by the file extension "_HHhMM_QSmp" etc., are automatically archived in a separate folder, sorted by Multiplayer, Singleplayer and Campaign (e.g. in the folder "Archive_AutoAndQuickSaves_Singleplayer"). There, a new subfolder is created, with the date and time of the map played, in which all associated saves are stored (e.g. all saves belonging to the single-player game "Aeneas", which was started on 09.03.2024 at 15:29, are stored in the folder "Archive_AutoAndQuickSaves_Singleplayer/2024-03-09 15h29 Aeneas").
- Multiplayer:
- Optional settings in the lobby:
- Mines/Resources cannot become completely empty, there is always at least 1 resource per field ("Mine Mode": "Never Empty").
- Infinite resources on the mountain ("Mine Mode": "Infinite").
- Infinite fish ("Fish Mode": "Infinite").
- Resource refresh spell of the Romans:
- The spell now refreshes all resources in radius by a constant 4 resources, no longer randomly between 1-8.
- The spell now also refreshes completely empty resources.
- The radius has been reduced from 20 to 7.
- The tooltip has been adjusted accordingly.
- Save naming:
- Implements changes for the balance packs
- UBO 3.8.1
- Unit Changes from Testbranch:
- Bowmen: 75/140/160HP 4/5/8dmg instead of 75/120/160HP 4/6/8dmg
- Swordsmen: 100/180/210HP 10/13/20dmg instead of 100/150/210HP 10/14/20dmg
- Medics: 4/9/13 heal instead of 4/10/14
- Axewarriors: 100/220/255HP 24/24/36dmg instead of 100/175/255HP 24/28/32dmg
- Blowgunwarriors: 100/180/210HP 8/10/16dmg instead of 100/150/210HP 8/10/12dmg
- Backpackcatapultists: 30/35/70HP 6/9/11dmg instead of 30/40/45HP 8/11/13dmg
- Balance Changes:
- Mayan ban spell: 15range 9targets 20mana -> 18range 9targets 18mana
- Troyan food spell: 23mana -> 25mana
- Troyan peacemaking spell: 10targets 25mana -> 9targets 25mana
- Troyan goldmine: changed [from|to] to [138|145] and [391|398] (Ingame ticks per [100% mine so far|100%mine now] and [random mine so far|random mine now])
- UBO Test 3.9.0 (same as 3.8.1 above, plus the following)
- Unit Changes:
- Backpackcatapultists: 30/35/70HP 6/9/11dmg -> 30/35/70HP 6/13/13dmg
- Balance Changes:
- All large temples now give 10 mana instead of 12
- All large temples now cost 3 gold bars instead of 2
- All races now start with 3 gold ore instead of 2 on HG (high starting goods)
- Mayan stone curse: 12mana 7targets -> 9mana 6targets
- Mayan shortcut spell: 10mana -> 9mana
- Shortcut spells [R|V|M|T]: [10|8|10|8]mana [8|12|8|8]range -> [10|8|10|8]mana [9|12|9|9]range
- Gift of god spells [R|V|M|T]: [12|8|10|10]mana-> [10|8|9|9]mana
- Troyan sunflower farm: 5/2 instead of 4/2
- Troyan oil press: 5/2 instead of 4/2
- Troyan stone mine: 4/2 instead of 5/2
- MG starting goods: wood/stone, axes/saws/pickaxes
- Roman: 27/27 (=54), 5/2/4
- Viking: 36/18 (=54), 7/3/3 -> 40/14 (=54), 7/3/3
- Mayan: 20/24 (=44), 5/2/5 -> 14/24 (=38), 4/2/4
- Troyan: 24/30 (=54), 5/2/4
- Unit Changes:
- Unit Changes from Testbranch:
- Calculation of building points (by heyo aka Felix):
0.9.184 (16.02.2024)
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Implements Experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Hunters:
- Hunters now reserve their target, meaning multiple hunters can no longer go to the same animal, resulting in fewer unsuccessfully going homes. This also fixes the bug where more than 1 meat could be picked up from an animal if 2 hunters shoot the same animal.
- If a hunter loses his target (the animal goes out of the economic sector), he looks for a new target (which has not yet been reserved).
- Trade:
- Arriving items at the marketplace/port are now dropped outside, making the internal slots exclusively for sending.
- Donkeys now have a separate arrival position at the marketplace/port, which means that donkeys waiting for goods no longer block incoming donkeys (simultaneous sending and receiving).
- Donkeys and merchant ships now send goods to their destination, regardless of how much is already there (in inventory). However, pausing the destination port/marketplace pauses sending as usual.
- Fish: fixes a bug where fish disappear when they swim into a full field (15+1 fish became 0 coal and were therefore no longer fishable)
- Hunters:
- Implements Experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- The following patches are hereby applied from UBO-TEST to all lobbies (see previous changelogs for more detailed information on each item):
- "Healer lvl1" bug of the barracks has been fixed. Specialists (e.g. healers, axemen, etc.) level 1 were suddenly requested in the barracks, although they were never set manually.
- If a lumberjack is torn down during the tree felling work animation, it will now be released and reset.
- Fixes the bugs of priests and thieves when they are supposed to board ships, but then stop in front of them without being able to select them.
- Fixes a bug that occurs when the door of a building is destroyed while the building itself is being destroyed (e.g. by Vikings).
- Fixes the bug that the building limit is reduced when a building is demolished during leveling.
- Fixes the attack canceling bug: if soldiers are moved while fighting, the attack animation is played to the end, but no damage was caused afterwards, now it is.
- The following patches are hereby transferred from UBO-TEST to UBO Lobbies (see previous changelogs for more detailed information on each item):
- Ferries: Increases capacity to 30 units.
- "Open submenus by default" now also opens trading menus.
- Hotkeys:
- "onDestroyEntityImmediatelyIfPossibleKey" can no longer destroy the last tower immediately, instead the demolish menu comes up to prevent unintentional surrender.
- "onBuildingChangeWorkingAreaKey" now only works for buildings that can also set a working area or a target.
- "onBuildingChangeWorkingAreaKey" now also works for trading buildings (marketplace, harbor) and a destination can be selected.
- The following patches are hereby applied from UBO-TEST to all lobbies (see previous changelogs for more detailed information on each item):
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Vikings: the graphic of the stonecutter has been moved to match the ground markings. Buildings placed in the editor before this update remain unaffected by this change.
- Trojan: The construction costs of the sunflower farm and oil press are now displayed correctly (they were previously swapped).
- Implemented Experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Hunters:
- Fixes an FE when a hunter wants to pick up something other than a meat.
- Hunters can now only damage animals and therefore can no longer shoot anything else (e.g. previously settlers from time to time).
- No more free meat when demolishing hunting huts.
- Hunters:
0.9.183 (21.01.2024)
- S3 AI:
- Building sites are now searched for each building in parallel, making it possible to find building sites faster and avoid unnecessary recalculations. (Reservation of building sites has been temporarily deactivated.)
- Thieves are now recognized by the AI.
- AI now uses geologists.
- S3 Scripts:
- Adds missing settlerstates for geologists, pionieers, mines, farms, smelters, smith, docks, siege weapons und mana production
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Adds the option "Concrete selection of units" (SU -> S4 -> Game -> Controls, as well as ingame in the HD patch). With this option, if you Alt/Shift-Click with Ctrl (*) on any unit, only exactly matching units are selected. For example, if you click on a lvl3 bowman, only other lvl3 bowmen will be selected, not lvl1 or lvl2. *The key can be changed, see README in "Advanced Hotkeys".
- Implemented Experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies):
- Fixes the attack canceling bug: if soldiers are moved while fighting, the attack animation is played to the end, but no damage was caused afterwards, now it is.
- Fixes the bug of priests and thieves when they are supposed to get into ships, but then stop in front of them without being able to select them.
- Fixes a bug that occurs when the door of a building is destroyed while the building itself is being destroyed (e.g. by Vikings).
- Fixes the bug that the building limit is reduced when a building is demolished during leveling.
- Fixes the warehouse loading bug where warehouses are displayed as paused after loading a savegame, but are not.
- S4 Hotkeys (see readme in: SU -> Settings -> Game -> Keyboard Layout -> Open Directory) (by heyo aka Felix):
- SU Settings: "reset": deletes the "default.json", which will be regenerated with default values the next time you start the game. Attention: this also deletes all changes you have made to the hotkeys!
- New functions:
- Select the next entity (everything: settler, ship, wagon, building), if it is a building, then only with the same building status (finished vs construction site).
- Screen jumps to the last selected entity and selects it.
- Switch on/off/toggle priority/pause for the selected building and optionally select the next one/center it on the screen.
- Directly select a specific building (e.g. tool forge), no matter where the screen is, and optionally center it on the screen.
- S3 AI:
- Improved the finding of building sites for fishermen, rice farms, and waterworks.
- Soldiers are now less easily lured out of their country.
- S3 AI:
- Fixes a bug where towers were placed in a different EcoSector and therefore could not be built.
- Fixes a bug where residential houses were no longer being built.
- Fixes several minor bugs.
- The freeze bug has probably been fixed.
- S4 (by heyo aka Felix):
- Fixes the display of buildings still to be built for standard buildings such as woodcutter, forester, stonemason etc.
- Fixes an FE that occurs when quickly switching between buildings with submenus (e.g. forges, barracks).
- S4 Hotkeys (by heyo aka Felix):
- Fixes the bug that singleplayer games could not be continued after they were paused (as well as when the game speed was set to 0).
- "Z" now opens the goods overview again by default (like "Y") (for this, default.json must be reset (in the settings of SU -> S4 -> Game -> Keyboard mapping -> reset). This also resets all self-made changes).
- Fixes sound spam if a building has been "paused" via hotkey that cannot be paused at all (e.g. military building).
0.9.182 (18.12.2023)
- S3 AI:
- Fixed several minor bugs.
- AI sometimes did not send a message when losing.
- In some situations, the game crashed at startup.
- Further minor errors in the code.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
- S4:
- Fixes a bug that caused user-defined hotkeys to be executed multiple times in combination with special keys (e.g. if Ctrl+S was reassigned but "Ignore special S4-keys" was disabled).
- S4:
- Launcher: various setting options for hotkeys and UI patches.
- Option to open submenus by default when buildings or settlers are selected.
- Custom Red Cross: 2 separate options for the "normal" and the "extended" Red Cross (Ctrl is pressed in the meantime) to determine the percentage of HP yourself, so that wounded soldiers are selected.
0.9.181 (09.12.2023)
- S3:
- Adds a new development option "Release" (Settings -> S3 -> Tools -> Development Options -> Release)
- The different release branches allow you to switch between the stable and latest development release.
- Only the host needs to switch the release, everyone that joins a lobby will automatically use the release of the host (displayed under settings).
- Please follow the respective development channels for discussions about the changes.
0.9.180 (08.12.2023)
- S4 Hotkeys:
- Mouse stuttering has been fixed ("MouseHook" is disabled by default). "UseWindowsHook" should now be activatable again without any problems.
- If special keys were reassigned but the special keys of S4 were not ignored ("IgnoreS4SpecialKeys" deactivated), the reassignments are now correctly ignored and the standard special keys of S4 are used.
- Viking building menu:
- Fixed an FE when selecting the ammo manufactory via hotkey, which is the vehicle manufactory for Vikings compared to all other races.
- S4 Hotkeys:
- New functions:
- onDestroyEntityImmediatelyIfPossibleKey, checks whether the selected building can be destroyed (for military buildings whether there is no enemy nearby) and destroys it immediately if possible, without any query as to whether you are sure. Attention: also the last tower!
- onStartBuildingPlacementOfBUILDING, starts the placement of "BUILDING" regardless of which menu you are currently in (see ./thesettlers4/Plugins/HotkeysConfig/README_Hotkeys_English.txt).
- New functions:
0.9.179 (06.12.2023)
- S3 AI:
- Improved site selection for building (Lumberjacks, Farms, Wineries, Rice Farms, Apiaries).
- S3 AI:
- Fixed an issue with taking over mine sites with pioneers.
- S3 scripts:
- "placeBuilding" now replaces faction exclusive buildings with the appropriate one (if available)
- "changeBuilding" now works as intended with the building construction status check
- The buildings completed with "changeBuilding" (Dwellings, Big Temples and Towers) now create the correct number of settlers and request the correct number of units
- ChangeTerrain now also corrects the player's boundary stones if they are missing.
- S3-Pregame-Lobby:
- Unpacked files of asset zip was defective
- S4:
- The Red Cross in the Specialist menu now works (by heyo aka Felix).
- Implemented Experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies) (by heyo aka Felix).
- Certain UI elements are no longer immediately refreshed with every change (last update), as this probably led to UI errors (reset back to normal).
- The Red Cross works again as in default S4 (only units with <50% HP are selected).
- However, if the hotkey "_redCrossCombinationButtonToSelectAllWoundedUnits" (default = "Ctrl", deactivated if "Extended keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys)" is deactivated, freely definable in ./HotkeysConfig/defaults.json, see below) is pressed while clicking on the red cross, all units with <100% HP are now selected. This also works in combination with the hotkey (Delete) of the red cross (Note: this does not yet work in combination with "shift").
- S3 AI:
- Targeted Land Expansion: AI now seeks out suitable land for specific buildings and strategically expands in that direction. (Feedback on this is welcome in the "s3-ai" channel)
- Performance Improvement: Many functions have been enhanced, leading to smoother gameplay. Some calculations are now done before the game starts, which may result in longer loading times at the start.
- AI sends a message upon its defeat.
- S3 scripts:
- Adds the remaining objects and terrains for changeTerrain
- Adds the teleporting of goods
- Adds a function that "writes" text on the map with objects
- The attack action has now been split into attack by distance and attack by threat
- Added function to place the jetty on the ship buildings (placePlank)
- Added trigger that checks if a player is still alive or was alive
- Added trigger that allows checking the number of goods against a number
- S3-Pregame-Lobby:
- Shows a status of the downloaded script and asset files
- S4:
- In-Game-settings (if HD patch active) for Hotkeys and UI Patches.
- Implemented Experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies) (by heyo aka Felix).
- If the last selected military unit is killed, the UI is reset to the building menu.
- Custom hotkeys (if "Advanced hotkeys" is enabled):
- When starting S4, a ./thesettlers4/Plugins/HotkeysConfig/defaults.json file is now created. This contains a "list" of hotkeys that can be freely assigned. For more detailed information on how to customize it and which functionalities are currently available, see ./HotkeysConfig/README_Hotkeys_English.txt.
0.9.177 (23.11.2023)
- S3 pregame lobby:
- Asians and Egyptians were swapped in the script template
- Starting goods were not correctly applied from the templates
- Spectators do not have to be ready anymore when the game starts (from Gauson)
- S3 scripts:
- The "Defend" action now also includes Big-Towers and Castles. It also correctly calculates the threat value for empty towers
- "makeSoldierUpgrade" no longer prevents an upgrade if an incorrect soldier type or a random order of soldier types was given (e.g. no upgrade is possible)
- The "Attack" and "Defend" actions now work independently for each continent
- Settlers can be spawned at any location. (Works internally via a workaround with the teleport action)
- Already defeated units are no longer selected by trigger or actions
- S4:
- Keyboard inputs (hotkeys) made outside the game or within the chat are now correctly ignored.
- Implemented Experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies)
- All units that no longer have 100% HP are now selected at the Red Cross ("Select Wounded Soldiers / Specialists"), i.e. the previous threshold of approx. 1/3 HP has been removed (by heyo aka Felix).
- If the last selected specialist is killed or converted, the UI is reset to the building menu (by heyo aka Felix).
- Lobby
- Automatic download of additional script assets (can be deactivated in the settings under S3)
- S3 scripts:
- Adds the following actions
- Control the anti-stuck service (for A.I. units)
- Activate or deactivate the military manager of the A.I.
- Activate or deactivate tower crushing of the A.I.
- Units can now be removed
- Units can be teleported
- Unit types can be changed
- Map resources and objects can be changed
- An area can be created from a given point
- Adds the following triggers
- "getBuildings" to compare the number of buildings
- "getMapSize" to check the current map size
- Adds the following actions
- S4:
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies) (by heyo aka Felix).
Certain UI elements are no longer only time-based, but are now also immediately refreshed with every change (for mouse and hotkey):
- Building pausing changed
- Construction site priority changed
- Number or order of all menus/settings changed (weapon & tool forge, transport order of goods, recruitment in barracks, settlers and specialists menu, trade menu)
Hotkeys: (a first test without changing existing hotkeys. A possibility to set these yourself will follow later...)
- Delete: now also destroys ships, carts and specialists (immediately, without warning, even with group selection)
- Tab: Screen jumps to the next entity (everything: settlers, buildings, ships)
- Tab + Shift: Tab only backwards
- <: Screen jumps to the last selected entity (*)
- < + Alt: shows/hides all submenus (weapon & tool forge, barracks, trade, decorative objects, priests (*))
- Space + Alt: starts building placement for the last selected ("clicked") building (*)
- Q + Alt: changes building site priority
- W + Alt: activates "Set workspace" (*)
- W + Ctrl: same as Delete
- E + Alt: toggles the pausing of buildings
- R + Alt: Occupy building
- T + Alt: Clear building
- V + Alt: Unload ferry
The following hotkeys work in all (sub-)menus where there are buttons to increase/decrease (infinite, +5, +1, 0, -1, -5). These are weapon & tool forge, transport order of goods, recruitment in barracks, settlers, specialists and trade menu:
A + Alt: set selection to infinity (e.g. swords), increase by 100 (e.g. soldiers, carriers) or move goods 100 places forward (= all the way to the front)
S + Alt: add 5 or 5 places forward to the selection
D + Alt: add 1
Y + Alt: set selection to 0, subtract 100 or move 100 places backwards (= last entry)
X + Alt: subtract 5
C + Alt: subtract 1
(*) Known errors:
- <: if the last selected entity dies, the screen may jump to another entity of yours
- < + Alt:
- not all submenus close again
- when opening the submenu using the hotkey, the corresponding button is not actually pressed. As a result, it remains unpressed and the first click with the mouse on it has no effect other than to set the button accordingly, the submenu remains open anyway
- the priest submenu also opens if there is no priest in the military selection
- Space + Alt: so far only works if the last thing selected was a building and not if something else has been selected in between or just after selection in the menu
- Space + Alt: does not work correctly in window mode. This is a limitation of Microsoft Windows.
- W + Alt: the mouse changes with every building, even if it has no workspace. However, this does not change its functionality
- Any key + Alt (except ENTER) in windowed mode is acknowledged with an error sound. This is a limitation of Ubisoft.
- Implemented experimental changes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies) (by heyo aka Felix).
0.9.176 (01.11.2023)
- S3-Pregame-Lobby:
- The lobby status is no longer overwritten with closed or AI unintentionally when players are in the lobby
- Some texts of the english translation were adjusted (by Groot)
- S3-Pregame-Lobby:
- The game name can be changed
- Restoring the last lobby session can now be enabled or disabled in the settings
0.9.175 (23.10.2023)
- S3-Pregame-Lobby:
- Fixes a problem where the selection "Roman", "Red" or start position 0 was overwritten with "Random" when the game settings were changed.
- Fixes a problem where the lobby becomes "gray" when first joining a game instead of creating one
- Improved the clarity of the settings options
- S3 pregame lobby:
- Adds the ability to save templates for the lobby and load them when needed
- The last used lobby settings are saved at the host when the game is started and automatically reapplied when the next game is created
- S3 Scripts:
- Adds constructionState parameter for the triggers "HasBuilding" and "HasBuildingsInArea"
- Adds a trigger for the map size
- Adds the ability for a script to create a template for the SU lobby. This will be applied once the script is selected in the lobby by the host.
0.9.174 (08.10.2023)
- S3 scripts:
- Fixes a problem with the action "spawnUnitNearBuildingInArea" where the parameter for the other building was not read correctly
- Fixed a desync problem when using the "sleep" action
- Fixed a problem where already defeated units were still moved
- S3 scripts:
- Adds the action "changeUnitOwner" which allows the transfer of a unit to another player
- Adds the action "setHealth" which can set the health points of a settler. (0-255 native, 256 to 65535 emulated with restrictions (Keeps healing the unit until they are depleted))
- Adds the ability to output up to 3 variables via "chatText"
- Adds the HP parameters for actions that involve selecting settlers
0.9.173 (03.10.2023)
- S3 AI:
- Fixes an issue where the "peacetime" option for Romans was ignored.
- S4:
- Implemented Experimental Bugfixes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies).
- If a lumberjack is torn down during the tree cutting work animation, it will now be released again so that it doesn't get stuck in an undefined state (by heyo aka Felix). See also stonemason demolition bug. It is possible that stone fields or trees get bent, but this could not be reproduced so far.
- Implemented Experimental Bugfixes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies).
- S4:
- Implements changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO Test 3.8.1
- Ferries
- Increases the capacity to 30 units.
- Ferries
- UBO Test 3.8.1
- Implements changes for the Balance Packs
S3 Scripts:
- Fixes a bug where "disableAI" could not disable the default AI for player 1.
- Fixed the problem that the last building on the map was not checked for Trigger and Actions
- Units now also move to the first point of a path
- Added count parameter for "removeBuilding" action to determine how many buildings should be demolished (backwards compatible)
- Added new parameters for the "defend" action, (ThreadDistance High, Medium, Low and Group Name) (backwards compatible)
- For many actions, values from variables can now be used instead of only a fixed number
- Adds support for multiSelection for e.g. ConstructionState, SettlerState, Goods and Buildings
- Optimized access to the settler list
- Adds Settlerstates for some units
- Allows the negated selection via Area´s
- For "playAudio" the path needed was actually "/Map/User/User/mapname.map_assets/" instead of "/Map/User/mapname.map_assets/"
Adds the following actions:
- setRandomNumber : Creates a random number for the given variable.
- moveUnitsToPoint : Moves units to the given point.
- moveUnitsInAreaToPoint : Moves units from an area to the point
- setVariableMath : Allows to perform simple mathematical operations on 2 variables
- changeTeam : Allows to change the team for the given player (in game)
- spawnUnitNearBuildingInArea : Spawns the given unit near a building
- createPointFromBuildingInArea : Creates a point for later use near a building
- createPointFromUnitInArea : Creates a point for later use based on the units to be found. The centre point of these units is determined.
- defendGroupReset : Resets the units that were placed in a group (with defend action) so that they can be redistributed with defend action.
The following actions have been extended with "Search in the area":
- changeBuildingStatusInArea : Starts or stops a building.
- changeBuildingConstructionPriorityInArea : Sets the construction priority for buildings
- changeWorkCenterInArea : Sets the work area for buildings
- resetWorkRadiusInArea : Sesets the work area
- changeTradeTargetInAreaToBuilding : Sets the trade target near a target building
- changeTradeSourceInArea : Sets the source for the trade items
- changeItemTradeCountInArea : Set the number of items to trade
- changeTradeTargetInAreaToPreference : Sets the trade target close to the given preference
Adds the following triggers:
- getAvailableSoldierUpgradePoints : trigger to check how many upgrade points are available.
- getRequiredSoldierUpgradePointsForNextLevel : ^how many are needed^
- madeSwordUpgrades
- madeBowUpgrades
- madeSpearUpgrades
- getCurrentSpellCosts : Current mana cost of the respective spell
- getPlayerCountInGame : Number of players in the game
- getTeamCountInGame : Number of teams in the game
- getCombatPowerOfPlayer : Combat power % of the player
- getCombatPowerTeam : Combat power % of the player, also includes the gems(Egyptians) and gold for all others (except from Egyptians) from the team
- getTeamOfPlayer : Returns the team number of the respective player
Known issues:
- Units can only spawn in the area of the respective player
- The combat power trigger is only an estimation and not the real value.
- The spawning of war machines (catapults etc.) leads to them not being attackable.
- Ships and war machines cannot be commissioned via the scripts.
0.9.172 (26.09.2023)
- S4:
- The bugfix for the workspace of the lazarette, is now correctly disabled if it is a History Edition lobby without Settlers United bugfixes (host without Settlers United).
- The bugfix for the productivity bar of buildings that cannot display productivity (e.g. Winery, Weapons Smelter, Lazaretto and other buildings) is now correctly disabled if it is a History Edition lobby without Settlers United bugfixes (host without Settlers United).
- Implemented Experimental bug fixes (these are only enabled for UBO-TEST lobbies)
- All ships are now tearable (ferries via context menu (click button on bottom left to switch UI)) (by heyo aka Felix). Any units or goods in the ships are lost as if the ship was destroyed by the enemy!
- Known issues:
- Sound spam when the merchant ship is selected
- On the donkey, the destroy button is visible but (still) non-functional
- Known issues:
- "Healer Lvl1" bug of the barracks was fixed. This suddenly requested specialists (e.g. healers, axe fighters, etc.) level 1 in the barracks, even though they were never manually set (by heyo aka Felix).
- If an eco sector was split, the barracks settings of the units to be produced were copied to the newly created sector. However, both the captains and the specialists Lvl1 were both copied (and added) to the place of the specialists Lvl1, which meant that the new sector should now produce no captains, but more specialists Lvl1. Example: before 100 captains (Hpt), 0 healers Lvl1 (Hl1) -> after 0 Hpt, 100 Hl1.
- When the two separated sectors were reunited, their data was also added. Example: before 100 Hpt, 0 Hl1 -> sector1 100 Hpt, 0 Hl1, sector2 0 Hpt, 100 Hl1 -> united 100 Hpt, 100 Hl1
- All ships are now tearable (ferries via context menu (click button on bottom left to switch UI)) (by heyo aka Felix). Any units or goods in the ships are lost as if the ship was destroyed by the enemy!
- S4:
- Implements changes for the balance packs
- UBO-Test 3.8.0
- Mayans:
- Ban Spell: 15range, 9targets, 20mana -> 18range, 9targets, 17mana
- Troyans:
- Food Spell: 23mana -> 25mana
- Peacemaking Spell: 25mana, 10targets -> 25mana, 9targets
- Gold mine: [138 | 145] and [391 | 398] (Ingame ticks per [100% mine so far | 100% mine now] and [random mine so far | random mine now])
- Soldiers: Most soldiers originally had a stat scaling for HP and dmg of roughly 150%/150% from T1 to T2 and 200%/200% from T1 to T3. This puts T2 soldiers in an awkward spot, as they share the same necessary materials of T3 soldiers. "Pure" T3 armies have shown to completely crush mixed armies of similar or weaker quality and should be combined with any T1 unit that doesn't get in the way, i.e. swordsmen or special units, but not lower quality bowmen. T2 are never worth it, because every gold bar invested in an T2 would be better invested in an T3. We intend to change that by giving T2 soldiers their own unique spot. To achieve this we want to try a different scaling of 175%/125%, meaning they will have HP close to a T3 soldier, but dmg close to a T1. This shall achieve, that depending on the fighting scenario and the unit composition it could be better to opt for maximum T3 + rest T1 for maximum "pure" army with high damage or, it could also be better to opt for less T3 + more T2 for higher HP but less damage in the army. Bowman and Swordsman have been adjusted to this experimental 175%/125% rule. T2 Axewarriors get a higher HP scaling, but no dmg scaling, and additionally T3 were buffed slightly in the dmg matter, as they need to compete with swordsman dps and movement speed. Blowgunwarriors T2 and T3 are now scaled exactly to these rules, which should help the previously very weak T3 blowgunners. T1 backpackcatapultists received a dmg nerf, as they dominated T1 meta. T2 have close dmg to T3 as it is the almost only relevant stat, but very little HP. And T3 received an HP buff, but dmg nerf, in order to make them more consistent and less overpowered in some cases. Medics follow a similar concept, T1 receive a slight HP reduction, T2 have quite similar low HP, but slightly overproportional heal. T3 are kept the same.
- Bowman:
- T1 : 75HP, 4dmg (stays the same)
- T2 : 120HP, 6dmg -> 140HP, 5dmg
- T3 : 160HP, 8dmg (stays the same)
- Swordsman:
- T1 : 100HP, 10dmg (stays the same)
- T2 : 150HP, 14dmg -> 180HP, 13dmg
- T3 : 210HP, 20dmg (stays the same)
- Medic:
- T1 : 50HP, 10dmg, 4heal (stays the same)
- T2 : 75HP, 14dmg, 9heal -> 60HP, 13dmg, 10heal
- T3 : 100HP, 20dmg, 14heal (stays the same)
- Axewarrior:
- T1 : 100HP, 24dmg (stays the same)
- T2 : 175HP, 28dmg -> 220HP, 24dmg
- T3 : 255HP, 32dmg -> 255HP, 36dmg
- Blowgunwarrior:
- T1 : 100HP, 8dmg (stays the same)
- T2 : 150HP, 10dmg -> 180HP, 10dmg
- T3 : 210HP, 12dmg -> 210HP, 16dmg
- Backpackcatapultist:
- T1 : 30HP, 8dmg -> 30HP, 6dmg
- T2 : 40HP, 11dmg -> 35HP, 9dmg
- T3 : 45HP, 13dmg -> 70HP, 11dmg
- Bowman:
- Mayans:
- UBO-Test 3.8.0
0.9.171 (15.09.2023)
- S4:
- The storage bugfix is now correctly disabled if it is a History Edition lobby without Settlers United bugfixes (host without Settlers United).
- Implements changes for the balance packs
- UBO 3.7.1
- Mayans:
- Stone curse: reduced from 8 stone blocks to 7.
- Spell: changed to 15 range 9 targets 20 mana (instead of 10 range 20 targets 15 mana). This should make it more consistent and usable in all dominant game modes. In an archer-only army, it will be possible but difficult to get the full value.
- Butterflies: changed to 9 targets 25 mana (instead of 10 targets 25 mana). The intention is to compensate for the additional combat spell (ban).
- Agave farm: cost changed to 3/4 (instead of 3/3)
- Weaponsmith: cost changed to 4/8 (instead of 3/8) - now identical total cost as all other races (still cheaper than Trojan Blacksmith).
- Viking:
- Bloodlust: changed to 20 range 45 sec 40 targets (instead of 15 range 60 sec 25 targets). This should make it less costly to invest in this spell for a flank attack and increase the strategic influence of a Viking on a team.
- Small Tower: blueprints changed to 22DT (dig fields) 42ST (space fields) (from 27DT 54ST).
- Eyecatcher 5: blueprints changed to 24DT 60ST (from 35DT 60ST)
- Eyecatcher 10: blueprints changed to 31DT 75ST (from 45DT 75ST)
- Eyecatcher 11: blueprints changed to 17DT 56ST (from 30DT 56ST)
- Builder:
- Roman Fisher: 3 instead of 4
- Roman Storage: 2 instead of 4
- Roman Iron Mine: 2 instead of 3
- Viking Forester: 2 instead of 4
- Viking Stonecutter: 3 instead of 4
- Viking Small Tower: 3 instead of 4
- Viking Coal Mine: 2 instead of 3
- Viking Gold Mine: 2 instead of 3
- Viking Stone Mine: 2 instead of 3
- Mayan Iron Mine: 2 instead of 3
- Mayan Sulfur Mine: 2 instead of 3
- Mayan Stone Mine: 2 instead of 3
- Trojan Gold Smelt: 3 instead of 4
- Mayans:
- UBO 3.7.1
0.9.170 (05.09.2023)
- S3 Scripts:
- Adds more Trigger for (Peacetime, capture of Areas, available Ressources)
- Adds more actions for (capturing areas with pioneers,towerstaffing, toolproduction, weaponprodction, Economysettings, trade, attack, defense, scirpt defined build order, convert settlers ... and more)
- Fixes Problems with desyncs (was a problem with actions)
- Fixes more little problems
- S3 AI:
- The AI will now crush small houses. The starting units are now included in the calculation including Donkey, TowerDoors in the calculation.
- S3-Pregame-Lobby:
- Adds the selection for scripts
- S4:
- The hospital workspace can now be discontinued after completion (by heyo aka Felix).
- The warehouse bug, when a stack in the warehouse would be used up, but then it is not, because the building to be built is paused or demolished, was fixed. The pile of goods was taken out of the economic sector and in case of the warehouse it was not put back in when the building to be built was paused/destroyed. This means that no one carries it on afterwards and it remains in the warehouse forever, with a normal stack this does not happen because exactly for this functionality a different function is called depending on the stack type (by heyo aka Felix).
- The productivity bar of buildings that can't show productivity (e.g. winery, weapon smelter, hospital and other buildings) is now hidden correctly (by heyo aka Felix).
0.9.168 (19.08.2023)
- S3-Pregame-Lobby:
- Displays the Power-BI statistics in the pre-game lobby: individual stats on hover + team rating
0.9.166 (14.08.2023)
- Lobby:
- Fixes a bug that caused messages regarding spot requests to be displayed for non-hosts (by holzfella)
- Fixes a bug that caused the spot request UI to be displayed for S4 games (by holzfella)
- Removes the GitHub donation link
0.9.165 (20.07.2023)
- S3:
- New lobbies: Fixes issues with AI places.
- New lobbies: adds the option to ask the host for a spot when trying to join a game that currently has no free spots left (by holzfella)
- S4:
- Implements changes for the balance packs
- UBO-Test 3.7.1
- Mayans:
- Stone curse: reduced from 8 stone blocks to 7.
- Spell: changed to 15 range 9 targets 20 mana (instead of 10 range 20 targets 15 mana). This should make it more consistent and usable in all dominant game modes. In an archer-only army, it will be possible but difficult to get the full value.
- Butterflies: changed to 9 targets 25 mana (instead of 10 targets 25 mana). The intention is to compensate for the additional combat spell (ban).
- Agave farm: cost changed to 3/4 (instead of 3/3)
- Weaponsmith: cost changed to 4/8 (instead of 3/8) - now identical total cost as all other races (still cheaper than Trojan Blacksmith).
- Viking:
- Bloodlust: changed to 20 range 45 sec 40 targets (instead of 15 range 60 sec 25 targets). This should make it less costly to invest in this spell for a flank attack and increase the strategic influence of a Viking on a team.
- Small Tower: Floor plans changed to 22DT (dig fields) 42ST (space fields) (from 27DT 54ST).
- Eyecatcher 5: floor plans on 24DT 60ST (from 35DT 60ST)
- Eyecatcher 10: floor plans on 31DT 75ST (from 45DT 75ST)
- Eyecatcher 11: floor plans on 17DT 56ST (from 30DT 56ST)
- Builder:
- 2 Viking Forester (instead of 4)
- 3 Viking stonemason (instead of 4)
- 3 Viking small tower (instead of 4)
- 3 Roman fishermen (instead of 4)
- 2 Romans camp (instead of 4)
- 3 Trojan gold smelter (instead of 4)
- 2 Viking coal mine (instead of 3)
- 2 Viking gold mine (instead of 3)
- 2 Viking stone mine (instead of 3)
- 2 Roman iron mine (instead of 3)
- 2 Mayan iron mine (instead of 3)
- 2 Mayan sulfur mine (instead of 3)
- 2 Mayan stone mine (instead of 3)
- Mayans:
- UBO-Test 3.7.1
- Implements changes for the balance packs
0.9.162 (09.06.2023)
- S3 AI:
- fixed the laggs
- fixed missing Newtonsoft.Json.dll bug
0.9.161 (07.06.2023)
- S3 Scripts:
- Adds support for map-scripts (by Saibot#4802)
- S3 AI:
- Adds the reservation of building spots
- Lobby:
- Adds possibility to set ai spots on setmaps for s3 games (by Saibot#4802)
- S3 AI:
- Fixes a bug where an iron smelter was built instead of a marketplace.
- Lobby:
- Other files in the users map directory are not shown as a selection anymore for s3 games (by Saibot#4802)
- The time format for chat messages in s3 games are formatted correctly (10:1) -> (10:01) (by HolzFella#7504)
- Capitalization for game names are fixed (by HolzFella#7504)
0.9.160 (13.05.2023)
- Lobby:
- Adds a time to the chat message in the via new server Settlers 3 lobbies (by holzfella13).
- Adds a selection of the most popular team lineups in the via new server Settlers 3 lobbies (by holzfella13).
- S3 AI:
- Adds PeaceTime for L2.
- S4:
- Implements changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO 3.6.2 (transfers changes from the test branch)
- Vikings: Small change in animation for the coal, iron, gold and stone mine -> this gives the Vikings the fastes mines of all four races, contributing to their overall strength but also to the lategame potential they are supposed to have. Note that this is an experimental buff with the intention of gaining more founded information on the actual Viking strength, which might be discarded or weakened entirely depending on the results.
- Ingame ticks per [100% mine so far | 100% mine now] and [random mine so far | random mine now].
- Coal mine: [123 | 115] and [156 | 148].
- Iron mine: [141 | 123] and [306 | 288].
- Gold mine: [123 | 115] and [376 | 368].
- Stone mine: [143 | 125] and [308 | 290].
- Dark Race: Added support for L2 and L3 soldiers (bug fix)
- Added entries for level 2 and 3 variants of the dark warriors. This prevents the game from crashing when DV soldiers are hit by the Mayan promotion spell or, via script, the Roman conversion spell for the DV is applied to higher level soldiers (at least swordsmen and archers).
- Upgraded soldiers have no texture of their own and therefore appear as stick figures, but are fully functional. When they participate in combat, they use the animations their L1 counterparts. For DV players, they are correctly identified in the unit selection.
- Upgraded soldiers receive statboosts as normal for the other races. Since DV soldiers were already between L1 and L2 of the other races anyway, their L3 soldiers are roughly comparable to a level 3.5 of the other races.
- This addition allows mapmakers to offer higher level soldiers on DV maps via the promotion spell, for example, or an upgrade mechanic similar to Settlers III.
- Vikings: Small change in animation for the coal, iron, gold and stone mine -> this gives the Vikings the fastes mines of all four races, contributing to their overall strength but also to the lategame potential they are supposed to have. Note that this is an experimental buff with the intention of gaining more founded information on the actual Viking strength, which might be discarded or weakened entirely depending on the results.
- UBO-Test 3.6.2 (testbranch now inactive / identical to main branch)
- UBO 3.6.2 (transfers changes from the test branch)
- Implements changes for the Balance Packs
- S3 AI:
- Fixes a bug where not all soldiers were upgraded.
- Fixes a bug where all houses were destroyed.
0.9.159 (30.04.2023)
- S3 Play Test:
- The builder behavior has been updated to prioritize buildings with material on site over buildings with material on the way. This change addresses some issues that have surfaces during play testing in particular when managing a large number of pending construction sites, and provides the player with more predictable behavior where builders will move next.
- Note related Egyptian builder changes, currently the focus regarding this change is still on evaluating whether it is a viable option for slowing down Egyptians in particular on flatter maps. The adverse implications for specific cases like tower duels is noted though.
0.9.158 (24.04.2023)
- S3 AI:
- Fixes a bug that caused houses to be demolished too early.
- Fixes a bug that caused the AI to upgrade soldier levels too early.
- Fixes a bug where the AI still built buildings after being dead.
- S3 Play Test: There is now a play test option that can be enabled in lobbies to apply the current play test changes in a game.
- S3 Modern:
- Workers in Amazon gold mines wait 10% longer between runs.
- S3 Play Test Feedback Changes: There is now a specialized play test feedback form displayed after a play test game. The feedback will be published on Discord once the play test concludes. Just as a reminder, any changes in a play test are non-final, and may undergo complete rework or be discarded. Your feedback will be used in guiding that process.
- S3 Play Test:
- Disables previous queue/worker changes (see earlier changelog) as they have not been updated for the other changes in this update, and to better assess the changes in isolation.
- Egyptian builders need about 30% longer to use building materials in an attempt to slow down Egyptians a bit when they are not sufficiently capped by other factors.
- Usability changes to make the building process a bit smoother:
- The time when builders start walking toward a building is shifted forward a bit. They already start walking toward a building site once material is on the way (it does not yet have to be at the building site).
- When construction is interrupted by missing material, builders will remain checked in at the building if material is on the way. Once it arrives, they will resume construction without moving through the building's entrance again. Builders can still manually be checked out using the building menu.
- The time when regular building workers (like wood cutters, stone cutters, etc.) start walking toward a building is shifted forward a bit. They already start walking toward the building when all building material is on site, and construction is under way.
0.9.156 (11.04.2023)
- S3 AI:
- Added new Asia buildorder (by Jannes#5617)
- S3 AI:
- Finding a building site has been improved. ( Woodcutter,Farm, Winery,Rice Farm, Apiary)
- Removes the inclusion of diggers in the building site calculation
- S3 Random Positioning: Increases position diversity when only three or fewer positions have to be picked.
- S3 AI:
- small bug when setting the work area fixed (Waterworks, Fisherman)
0.9.155 (08.04.2023)
- S3 AI:
- AntiStuckService: Checks if soldiers have moved in a given time interval. If not, they will receive a movement order to clear a possible jam.
- Possibility to build different building variants. Example: normal lumberjack and itinerant lumberjack.
- AI now has the ability to capture mine building sites with pioneers.
- Building site score for lumberjacks and stonecutters is affected by already standing lumberjacks and stonecutters.
- Fishermen can now be built further away from the coast, and the work area is now adjusted as well.
- S3 Observer Mode: Adds a player switch when in observer mode.
- S3 AI:
- Building lists are now processed in order and no longer skipped. If the building cannot be built, the AI tries to build the building in different ways.
- Building location finding has been improved.
- S3 -
RandomPlay Test (Settings -> Developer Options):- Adds a non-random map (Bonum Ludum) to the play test (HG/LG)
- Removes previous digger changes
- Adds new digger/builder changes:
- Diggers/builders now process buildings according to the building queue (same as good delivery, not randomly anymore).
- The next building in the building queue will be worked by the diggers/builders that are there fastest. This can be workers that are currently still working on a construction site if they finish work sooner than the travel time of currently idle workers that are farther away.
- The building queue is shown on the left and positions can be changed (drag/drop, still WIP).
- S3 AI: Many minor bug fixes.
- S3 mirror positions on random maps: Fixes a bug that always split teams. It is now random.
0.9.154 (28.03.2023)
- S3 - New Network Mode: You can now add a spectators team.
- S3 - Random Play-Test (Settings -> Developer Options):
- The behavior of diggers has changed so that they consider the distance to a potential construction site and will not go to construction sites when the distance is so high that they cannot make a meaningful contribution.
- A similar change can be considered for builders, too.
- Overall the change should provide additional control to the player on how to build up the settlement.
- Feel free to test this out and provide feedback in #s3-modern.
0.9.152 (25.03.2023)
- Lobby
- Fixes an error with Settlers 3 setmaps. These could not be started via the new network mode (Error 400).
0.9.150 (22.03.2023)
- Lobby
- Added donation links to PayPal in the launcher and on the website.
- S4:
- Error message logs under Documents (Fatal Errors) now contain more information about the stack dump, thanks to WizzardMaker | Jonas #0420. This allows to better analyze error messages.
- S3 AI:
- Improves the points distribution for building sites.
- S4:
- S4: Implements changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO 3.5.2 (includes troyan and viking balance changes from testbranch, discards experimental working radius and pioneer changes)
- Vikings:
- Spell cost for Blood rage spell decreased from 18 mana to 13 mana.
- Spell cost for Thor's hammer decreased from 20 mana to 15 mana.
- Troyans:
- Spell cost increase for the spell delicious food from 20 mana to 23 mana.
- Further decrease of the building cost for food industry to make room for real alternative playstyles:
- Grainfarm 6/2 instead of 7/3.
- Animalranch 6/2 instead of 7/3.
- Slaughterhouse 5/2 instead of 6/2.
- Mill 4/1 instead of 5/1.
- Bakery 5/2 instead of 6/3.
- Waterworkerhut 3/2 instead of 3/3.
- Donkeyranch 6/2 instead of 8/5 (in the last updates we missed to align donkeyranch to animalranch).
- Small change in animation for the stone mine -> stone mine is now faster, since troyans are the only race with high stone demand and no alternative stone income besides stone mines.
- Ingame ticks per [100% mine so far | 100% mine now] and [random mine so far | random mine now].
- Stone mine: [141 | 127] and [306 | 292].
- Vikings:
- UBO-Test 3.6.0 (clone of version 3.5.2 plus the following changes)
- Vikings:
- Small change in animation for the coal, iron, gold and stone mine -> this gives the Vikings the fastes mines of all four races, contributing to their overall strength but also to the lategame potential they are supposed to have. Note that this is an experimental buff with the intention of gaining more founded information on the actual Viking strength, which might be discarded or weakened entirely depending on the results.
- Ingame ticks per [100% mine so far | 100% mine now] and [random mine so far | random mine now].
- Coal mine: [123 | 115] and [156 | 148].
- Iron mine: [141 | 123] and [306 | 288].
- Gold mine: [123 | 115] and [376 | 368].
- Stone mine: [143 | 125] and [308 | 290].
- Small change in animation for the coal, iron, gold and stone mine -> this gives the Vikings the fastes mines of all four races, contributing to their overall strength but also to the lategame potential they are supposed to have. Note that this is an experimental buff with the intention of gaining more founded information on the actual Viking strength, which might be discarded or weakened entirely depending on the results.
- Vikings:
- UBO 3.5.2 (includes troyan and viking balance changes from testbranch, discards experimental working radius and pioneer changes)
- S4: Implements changes for the Balance Packs
- S3 AI:
- Fixes an issue when loading buildings that caused the AI to do nothing.
0.9.149 (07.03.2023)
- SU:
- Lobby: texts for donations and not found Settlers 4 game version improved.
- S3 AI:
- Corrected build order for Romans.
- Fixes a Problem with Peacetime that caused the AI to not attack anymore.
0.9.148 (03.03.2023)
- S3 AI:
- Peacetime (l2 not working)
- Added general market function.
- S3 AI:
- Fixed bug with Pios.
- Fixed bug where AI is buggy after second game.
- S4:
- Error fixed When resetting the HD patch (via the reset option in the settings). When resetting, the cleanup was not complete and a message is now displayed again.
0.9.147 (26.02.2023)
- S3 AI:
- Tools are now always built when they are needed.
- S4:
- S4: Tournament card support for future tournaments
- Under Settings "⚙️" - Settlers IV - Tool you can find this option. This option opens the user interface to unlock the tournament cards.
- S4: Implements changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO 3.4.2
- For starting resources MG all races now start with 1 donkey. This is now consistent with scaling of scythes (0 for LG, 1 for MG, 3 for HG).
- UBO-Test 3.5.1
- For starting resources MG all races now start with 1 donkey. This is now consistent with scaling of scythes (0 for LG, 1 for MG, 3 for HG).
- Vikings:
- Spell cost for Blood rage spell decreased from 18 mana to 13 mana.
- Spell cost for Thor's hammer decreased from 20 mana to 15 mana.
- Troyans:
- Spell cost increase for the spell delicious food from 20 mana to 23 mana.
- Further decrease of the building cost for food industry to make room for real alternative playstyles:
- Grainfarm 6/2 instead of 7/3.
- Animalranch 6/2 instead of 7/3.
- Slaughterhouse 5/2 instead of 6/2.
- Mill 4/1 instead of 5/1.
- Bakery 5/2 instead of 6/3.
- Waterworkerhut 3/2 instead of 3/3.
- Donkeyranch 6/2 instead of 8/5 (in the last updates we missed to align donkeyranch to animalranch).
- Small change in animation for the stone mine -> stone mine is now faster, since troyans are the only race with high stone demand and no alternative stone income besides stone mines.
- Ingame ticks per [100% mine so far | 100% mine now] and [random mine so far | random mine now].
- Stone mine: [141 | 127] and [306 | 292].
- UBO 3.4.2
- S4: Tournament card support for future tournaments
- SU:
- Lobby: Fixes a problem when the lobby is already open and SU is restarted. Open instances of Settlers III and Settlers IV are now no longer terminated unless there are updates.
0.9.146 (19.02.2023)
- SU:
- Lobby: When closing and updating, it is now ensured that Settlers III, Settlers IV and the editors are closed. When closing, a confirmation dialog is shown to prevent unintentional closing during running games.
- S4:
- S4: Implements changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO Test 3.5.0
- Work ranges of stonemasons and woodcutters set from 20 to 30. This is equivalent to the work range of hunters and the counterparts of these buildings in Settlers III.
- Pioneers now shovel only 11 ticks instead of 31 ticks. Note this is part of the working animation, this is not the absolute time of the working animation. This is an experiment to see how pioneers closer to their Settlers III counterparts would be affected.
- UBO Test 3.5.0
- S4: Implements changes for the Balance Packs
- SU:
- Lobby: Revised dialog boxes. Improved texts and translated texts.
- Lobby: Revision of the update process. Improved texts and translated texts.
- S3 AI:
- Fixes a bug where player units were sent to the AI hospital.
0.9.145 (18.02.2023)
- S3 AI:
- Lumberjacks will be demolished from now on if there are no more trees nearby.
- Romans send their units to the hospital when they have less than 25 lives.
- Added first version of a dynamic build list for the Romans. (by Jannes#5617)
- S4:
- The option "Use custom music configuration file (advanced option)" can now be activated in the settings.
- SU:
- S3: In the pregame lobby messages can now be selected and copied.
- Tray minimization: In the settings you can now choose whether SU should be minimized to the tray as before or closed completely (new default). If you want to keep the minimization, please select it once in the settings.
- Embedded Discord: Several optimizations, e.g. you can now switch to your private messages or other servers. The iFrame has been replaced by another technical solution.
- S3 AI:
- Changed the minimum mining percentages to 30 percent (sulfur and gems to 15 %)
- Changes when houses are demolished
- Changes building location for some buildings.
- S3 AI:
- Fixes an issue that occurs when loading saves.
- Fixes an issue where buildings could be placed on blocked coordinates.
- Fixes a problem where water works were built instead of rice farmers.
- Fixes an issue where the AI was still alive after losing the last tower.
- Fixes a problem with the Pio land extension on set maps.
- S4:
- The game speed can now be set again via the number keys (0-9) when cheats are activated in single player (!incubation2). To return to the set game speed, the cheats can be deactivated again (!incubation2).
- The music configuration files have been improved, there should now be fewer cases of duplicate music playback.
- Changing player position in single player games works again, this fixes the known issue that existed since the release of History Edition (2018). Thanks to WizzardMaker | Jonas #0420.
- Fixes a recently found exploit related to the Trojan Oracle of Delphi spell, this fixes a problem that existed since the release of the addon "The Trojans and the Elixir of Power" (2001).
- The logs have been improved by disabling events that are not needed. By default, the logs are now disabled.
0.9.144 (04.02.2023)
- S3 AI:
- The placement of buildings has been completely reworked
- S3 AI:
- Fixes several problems with the Pio land extension
- Fixes several problems with the placement of buildings
0.9.143 (29.01.2023)
- Lobby:
- Adds option "Random Play" as development option for S3
- S3 AI:
- Improves pios (they no longer take land from allies)
- Increases the radius of blocked coordinates for farms
- Improves the demolition of stone cutters
- S3 Modern:
- Makes it simpler to make larger adjustments to numbers for new settings (resting places in houses, diggers/builders at construction sites) by holding down SHIFT/CTRL while clicking. This avoids many repetitive clicks.
- S4:
- Added the Ultimate Balance Overhaul (UBO) tooltips in the Settlers United "Settings" under "Game" for Settlers IV (enabled by default). Note: The tooltips must be set before starting Settlers IV, so they cannot currently be synced with the Lobby settings.
- S3 Modern:
- Resting Places at Houses: Settlers now only move to resting places if they have not received any new work assignments for some time. The selection depends on the waiting time, and the distance.
- S3 Modern:
- Fixes a bug that could cause settlers/soldiers to not be visible on the map temporarily.
0.9.138 (25.01.2023)
- S3:
- Crushing the last tower now requires confirmation in the left menu, and does not work per hot-key anymore.
- S3 new AI
- AI rebuilds destroyed buildings.
- Improved building sites for the following buildings: apiary, bakery, farm and winery.
- AI now also attacks large towers and castles.
- S3 new AI
- Fixes an error that caused no tools to be created.
- Fixes a bug that caused soldiers to get stuck on towers.
- Fixes a crash that could occur after an AI priest was killed.
0.9.137 (16.01.2023)
- S3 New AI (by WütendeWolke#9763):
- This is a first alpha release of the new AI. Please keep in mind that there are likely bugs and weird behavior.
- The new AI will be automatically enabled when hosting a game in new network mode.
- Lobby: Fixes a bug that lobbies hosted with old network mode were not displayed properly.
0.9.135 (15.01.2023)
- S3: Adds new game option "Modern Gameplay" that now combines three previous options: New Balancing, Transport+, and Modernization
- S3 Modern - Trade Buildings:
- Trade buildings (market/landing place) were reworked to discourage creating blind trade settings at the beginning of the game and instead encourage situational trade settings. This will reward those that only enter the trade amounts that they intend to transfer at that moment instead of setting many goods to endless transport.
- Trade buildings now reserve piles for a good type after they have been used.
- Piles are only allowed for other good types when they are no longer needed to cover the remaining trade amount for that good type, and when there are no more goods on their way to these piles.
- The amount of reserved pile per good type is shown in the left trade menu when a trade building is selected.
- Example:
- You configure fish to be traded with infinite number.
- This causes 16 fishes to be requested from 2 fishermen which are sent via two piles on the market.
- After sending, these two piles remain reserved for fish only. No other goods can be sent via these two piles.
- These piles are only ever released for other good types when the trade quantity is set to a lower number. When setting it to 8 fish, one pile is freed up, when setting it to 0 both piles are freed up for other goods.
- S3:
- Leftovers from an aborted felling process now decompose over time and eventually free up the occupied space.
- S3 Modern:
- Improvements and bug fixes of some special cases in path finding. In very specific circumstances one of the fixed bugs was the root cause for a freeze that could occur.
- If an ongoing work process is terminated, working settlers will drop visible goods instead of having them vanish into thin air (woodcutter, stonecutter, fishermen, beekeeper).
- The stone curse spell now also works if there are stone crumbs in the target area without having to clean them up by repeatedly placing and crushing buildings first.
0.9.132 (07.01.2023)
- Lobby
- adds a hint to the S3 pre-game lobby that the AI is not yet available in new network mode
- Lobby
- In the S3 pre-game lobby the mirror "both axes" now works correctly
- S3:
- fixes crashes due to unsupported terrain height changes (digger behavior has been adjusted slightly, please report any weird behavior).
- Improves saving behavior in new network mode when a player has already left the game
- S3 Modernisation:
- fixes a bug that caused goods to vanish when during transport with a donkey a building was placed at the target location
- avoid crashes in path-finding when invalid coordinates are provided
- allow settlers that are checking-in at a building to proceed to their target destination when the door is temporarily blocked due to working settlers
0.9.130 (04.01.2023)
- S3:
- New peace time options: 30min and 80min
- The SHIFT+W hot-key is now also usable with market/landing place to set new targets
- Saving is now shown as an indicator in the bottom right instead of chat messages. If any error occurs, it is still shown as a chat message.
- When watching a replay, you can now forward to a specific game time via the UI.
- S3 New Balancing:
- Gold ore now also contributes to fighting strength. Six gold ore are equivalent to one gold bar.
- S3 Modernisation:
- All goods in possession of a player now contribute to fighting strength. This includes goods that are in transport/on the market. The numbers under good statistics now accurately reflect the values used for calculating fighting strength.
- Reduces the speed of the automatic pioneer pathway when undertaking some extreme expeditions. In most cases, the speed will remain unchanged.
- S3:
- Keep auto-save working even when the first player left the game.
- When switching the player in replays, the chat is now also reflecting that player.
- S3 Modernisation:
- When an occupied tower is emptied and crushed, it does not protect the land against pioneer attacks anymore.
0.9.127 (18.12.2022)
- S3:
- Prevents a freeze that could happen when taking land where there were settlers in a very specific state
- S3 Modernization:
- Improves new path finding in some special cases:
- Behavior after delivering goods to buildings
- Non-controllable settlers outside their own territory are now also controlled by new path finding
- Improves new path finding in some special cases:
- S3 Modernization:
- Some small tweaks to the AI which have bigger impact:
- When calculating settler capacity, settlers still inside houses are now correctly considered so that houses are not crushed too early.
- When defending towers, soldiers now attack immediately and do not try to first reach the tower anymore
- Some small tweaks to the AI which have bigger impact:
0.9.126 (13.12.2022)
- Lobby: Attempt to fix timeout issues for some users that caused kicks from the pre-game lobby
- S3: Fixes an issue where market pile were not reset properly and then only usable for a certain good type.
0.9.125 (10.12.2022)
- S3: Fixes some memory corruption bugs in the original game caused by very specific game situations which could lead to unpredictable effects (missing piles, not transporting certain piles or entire goods, missing fighting power, etc.)
- S3 Modernization: Re-works trade building logic (landing places and markets)
- A single trade building now requests items at a predictable rate of one item per cycle (one cycle takes about a second).
- Multiple trade buildings can now request the same item type during a cycle (previously just one trade building per item type was supported).
- Overall, this stabilizes throughput of a single trade building and adds scalability using multiple trade buildings. These changes should only be relevant for set-map (HG/LG), random games usually never reach these limits.
0.9.123 (01.12.2022)
- S4: Implements changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO 3.4.1 (All changes since version 3.4)
- Changed the heal values of the roman medics from 6/10/14 to 4/9/14 to even out the utility for all three tiers.
- UBO 3.4.1 (All changes since version 3.4)
0.9.122 (19.11.2022)
- Lobby: Removed the dialogue and link to the finished "Settlers 3 Modernization Survey" by Michael_TK7#3107 and Yoshi#3818.
0.9.121 (04.11.2022)
- Lobby: Adds a dialog and link to the "Settlers 3 Modernization Survey" by Michael_TK7#3107 and Yoshi#3818.
0.9.120 (24.10.2022)
- S3: Improves grouping of errors to make debugging easier.
0.9.119 (15.10.2022)
- S3: Fixes more memory issues that were logged and which led to undefined behavior.
0.9.118 (13.10.2022)
- Website: The website is working as expected again.
- Lobby: When displaying the Github sponsor banner, the rest of the SU window is no longer locked for input.
- S3: Fixes a bug that activated the Beacon mode when the chat was open.
- S4: Fixes a bug that caused Fatal Errors when using the tear down hotkey while units were selected.
0.9.116 (12.10.2022)
- S3: Fixes a bug that led to game data corruption and consequently could cause crashes, freezes, or other weird behavior.
0.9.113 (10.10.2022)
- S3: Improves error logging
0.9.111 (04.10.2022)
- Lobby: Improves updating from installer version 0.9.111 or greater. After downloading an update, open instances of Settlers III and Settlers IV are forced to close.
- S4: The extended logs for better analysis of desyncs and bugs are now enabled by default.
- If required, this can be deactivated in the settings in the tools area under Developer options.
- S4: The preferences have been extensively reworked. Timings have been optimized and unnecessary commands have been reduced. This can reduce occurring desyncs at the start of the game and in the course of the game (ideally prevent completely).
0.9.110 (02.10.2022)
- Lobby: The lobby is now localized in Polish, too (by Fearles).
- S3: Improved handling when pressing 'Space' while a beacon is active. It now jumps to the beacon only ones overwriting any other pending notifications you have.
- S3: Fixed positioning of beacon when using a rendering solution that is smaller than your display resolution
- S3: When placing a beacon outside the map area beacons were displayed as if you were placing them on the very left
side of the active map view. Now placing beacons outside the map area is disabled.
0.9.109 (28.09.2022)
- S3: Reduces the volume of the beacon sound and improves its quality (by Incinerate).
- S4: Implemented changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO 3.4 (All changes since version 3.3)
- Axewarriorhealthpoints were increased from 100/160/240 to 100/170/255. This puts L3 Axewarriors at the absolute maximum in terms of possible health per settler!
- Blowgunwarriors now have health equal to an equivalent swordsmen, resulting in a power increase between 10 and 20% depending on the level (from 85/125/190 -> 100/150/210).
- Medic-healing was reduced from 8/12/16 to 6/10/14.
- UBO 3.4 (All changes since version 3.3)
0.9.108 (25.09.2022)
- S4: Implementation of extended logs to better analyze desyncs. In the settings - Tools this can be activated under Developer Options if needed.
0.9.107 (24.09.2022)
- S3: Modernization
- War machines are now controlled by new path finding which should prevent them from getting stuck needlessly.
- War machines can now reliably destroy towers regardless of whether enemy troops are in the tower's vicinity.
- The amount of gong beats is now limited like for other war machines. The gong starts with 6 gong beats, and gong beats automatically refill over time when the gong is idle.
- You can now place beacons on the map (press B and click the map location).
- S3: New Balancing
- Asian mines do not get an additional mine run anymore for non-favored food.
- Asian woodcutters are working a bit more slowly when modernization is off to bring them to a speed level that is more similar to the modernized version.
- S3: The new barracks gathering point was also active in Vanilla game mode which has been fixed now.
- S3: Modernization
- Fixes a bug that caused constructions to not be completed when the construction site was paused while the builders were processing the last building materials.
- Fixes edge-cases in new path finding which could lead to short-time traffic jams in specific places.
- Fixes a bug that caused the left menu display to be incorrect for storages under construction.
- Fixes a bug for pioneer pathways that could be exploited to speed up capturing a pathway significantly.
0.9.103 (21.09.2022)
- S4: Reactivation of custom presets at game start.
0.9.102 (13.09.2022)
- S4: Permanently disable custom (startup) settler preferences at game startup to eliminate possible desyncs through this option.
0.9.101 (12.09.2022)
- S4: Reactivation of custom presets at game start.
- Improved timings to avoid desyncs in the first minutes of the game.
0.9.100 (07.09.2022)
- S4: Temporarily disable custom presets at game start to exclude possible desyncs through this option.
0.9.99 (01.09.2022)
- S3: Improves interaction between settlers controlled by old path finding and those controlled by new path finding.
0.9.98 (31.08.2022)
- S3: Fixes errors/crashes which were caused by changed compiler behavior.
- S3: Fixes errors in river generation for small sees which were a side-effect of another bug fix.
- S3: Improves some edge-cases in path finding which were reported.
0.9.97 (28.08.2022)
- S3: Adds team gold as a separate option (not as part of team positioning)
- S3: Adds some missing Polish translations (by Fearles)
- S3: Fixes display of special Polish characters.
- S3 Modernisation Option: Replaces original path-finding of non-controllable settlers to avoid issues where they would get stuck. Settlers will now also consider terrain when deciding on paths leading to a more immersive game experience. Behavior of controllable settlers (soldiers/specialists) remains un-changed.
0.9.96 (21.08.2022)
- S3: Added polish translation for new in-game texts (by Fearles)
0.9.95 (20.08.2022)
- Launcher: Activated upgrades are now displayed in the lobbies overview.
- S3: In the random map debug mode, there is now an option to export the current random map as an EDM file to open it with the map editor.
- Launcher: Fixes several translation errors.
- Launcher: Fixes various display errors.
- S3: Fixes the graphics errors when waiting for others to finish loading into the game.
- S3: Fixes Asian mines on setmap when new balancing is active (they were un-changed before).
0.9.94 (13.08.2022)
- S3: Adds a new "modernization" game option that re-visits and improves several old mechanics and also adds new ones. It adds new features to multiple buildings and units, and also changes the behavior of some buildings and units. You can read more about them on the dedicated Modernizations page.
- S3: When recruiting specialists like pioneers, all pioneers now stay selected until the next movement command is issued (instead of just selected the pioneers which have been converted last).
- S3: When issuing a movement command to pioneers and geologists, they will immediately stop their current animation and move to the new target instead of finishing their current animation (like placing a resource sign) without any actual effect (i.e. placing the sign).
- S3: There is now an error message when you try to launch Settlers 3 from the dropdown menu or taskbar but are not logged in.
- S3: When picking up goods with a thief in your own land, it will not immediately drop those items again, but instead wait for the next movement command.
- S4: Fixes problems with starting Settlers 4 when not logged in.
- S4: Fixes problems with the updater for the HD patch.
- S3: The asian spell "Flood of Fish" has been set back to its original cost of 10 mana.
0.9.93 (01.08.2022)
- S3 - changes to the balancing game mode:
- Egypt:
- reverts the L3 at 80 mana change as this makes the balancing incompatible with set-maps
- as an alternative to the L3 change, reduce the input of the brewery by 50% while maintaining the same output rate
- Romans:
- reduce the wood required by the charcoal maker to 4 from 5
- Amazons:
- reduce the building cost for small towers to 2 stones from 3 (this also reduces the required building time)
- Egypt:
- S3: The balancing option is now also available on set-maps. When active any custom items on these maps like schnapps will not be added. Any feedback of course welcome on Discord.
- S3: The team positioning game mode was updated and now also includes shared gold/gems across the team; hopefully leading to a more dynamic game.
- Lobby: When joining a running game session, the game instance cannot be started multiple times anymore.
- S3: Fixes a SE when using the team positioning option.
- S3: Fixes a desync if team positioning was not enabled.
0.9.89 (27.07.2022)
- S4: Adds breads produced and meat produced under total food in the final statistics.
- Lobby: fixes ranked display in new pre-game lobby
- Lobby: fixes start position display for smaller maps
- S3: fixed desync that could occur when rejoining a running game session
0.9.88 (23.07.2022)
- Lobby: Handling of game status updates improved.
- S3: Desync handling when using the new network mode improved.
- S4: Implemented changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO 3.3 (All changes since version 3.2.1)
- all castles can now hold two more swordfighters and one more bowman (6/6 instead of 4/5)
- Troyans
- slight animation adjustments the gold-, iron- and sulfurmine.
- ingame ticks per [100% mines before | 100% mines now] and [random mines before | random mines now]
- goldmine: [130 | 138] and [383 | 391] -> speed of goldmine exactly in the middle between R/W 123 and M 153 mines
- ironmine: [130 | 141] and [295 | 306] -> speed of ironmine exactly as viking ironmine
- sulfurmine: [130 | 141] and [295 | 306]
- slight animation adjustments the gold-, iron- and sulfurmine.
- Vikings
- productiondelay of stonecutter reduced from 2 to 0
- productiondelay of meadery reduced from 2 to 0 (7% faster)
- productiondelay of small temple reduced from 1 to 0 (3.1% faster)
- UBO test is currently no longer available as all current changes are included in UBO.
- UBO 3.3 (All changes since version 3.2.1)
- S3: Ranked now also works with the new network mode.
- S3: Fixed a bug when using unit convert spells on settlers in very specific states that corrupted the game data and eventually could lead to a freeze or all sorts of other issues.
0.9.86 (21.07.2022)
- S3: New Network Mode:
- When the game is unpaused, there is now a 5 second countdown before the game resumes unless the game was paused for less than 5 seconds overall.
- Auto-Save is also active when using the new network mode. This allows to continue from a save in classic mode in case of any issues during the alpha test.
- S3: More stability fixes for the new network mode
- Fixed a regression that joining of a running game was not working anymore
- Fixed tiny jumps forward in game play when one player was using a very volatile connection
- Fixed cause for duplicate game starts which could then lead to instabilities, lags, wrong connection status indication
0.9.83 (17.07.2022)
- S3: When viewing a replay, you can now assume different player positions.
- S3 New Balancing: The second attempt of the Egyptian fisher is now visible.
- S3 New Balancing: The Asian wood cutter is now working a bit more efficiently.
- S3 Ranked: Towers are crushed only 30 seconds after leaving the game.
- S3 New networking code (ALPHA TESTING) - Advantages:
- Lags only for lagging players; everyone else will have an undiminished game experience
- No more save lobbies; you can stay in-game all the time,
- Disconnected players can re-connect (click on the game in the SU launcher)
- Game can be paused in the meantime, but does not have to be (P hotkey)
- S3: Fixes a bug that caused towers to be staffed incorrectly when some diggers arrived only after it was already built completely.
0.9.80 (03.07.2022)
- S4: New installations now have "Transport+", "Settlers+", "equal random races per team" and "Ulimative Overhaul Balancing (UBO)" preset.
- S4: Implemented changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO Test 3.2.2
- Evaluating a possible adjustment of the radius of the Trojan food spell to 10 (from 8), this allows for more combinations and allows for a higher margin of error when building and casting spells. Number of maximum targets is still limited to 9.
- UBO Test 3.2.2
- Lobby: Improved the dropdown menus in the launcher. After clicking on an option, the dropdown is closed again.
- Lobby: Fixes problems with the quick start of S4 via dropdown menu in the launcher as well as in the toolbar.
- S4: Technical improvement of the Trojan food spell. Number of maximum targets limited to 9. This serves among other things to prepare it for use with allied nations.
- S4: Technical improvement of the statistics screen to support custom colors.
0.9.79 (29.06.2022)
- S4: Implemented changes for the Balance Packs
- UBO 3.2.1 (All changes since version 3.2.0)
- Troyans
- Invisibility Spell now only hides 20 targets instead of 30.
- Productiondelay partially restored and slight animation adjustments the gold-, iron-, sulfur-, stone- and coalmine. This means troyan mines now behave as all the others (same relative mine speed on random map mine spots and 100% mines) and results in slightly faster 100% mines but slightly slower random spot mines.
- ingame ticks per [100% mines before | 100% mines now] and [random mines before | random mines now]
- coal mine: [143 | 137] and [171,3 | 171]
- iron mine: [155 | 130] and [282 | 295]
- gold mine: [150 | 130] and [367,22 | 383]
- sulfur mine: [155 | 130] and [282 | 295]
- stone mine: [159 | 141] and [300,6 | 306]
- Large temple now costs 5/7/2.
- Grainfarm now costs 7/3.
- Goosefarm now costs 7/3.
- Waterworkerhut now costs 3/3.
- Slaughterhouse now costs 6/2.
- Troyans
- UBO test is currently no longer available as all current changes are included in UBO.
- UBO 3.2.1 (All changes since version 3.2.0)
- S4: The option "Custom presets at game start" could not work as desired when distributing bread to the Mayans. This has been fixed.
0.9.78 (22.06.2022)
- S4: The option "Increase settler limit" (Settler+) increases the settler limit to 8000 settlers per player (instead of 4000).
- S4: On Tournament and World Championship maps, if Spectators are on team 3-8, they can see enemy Thieves and Saboteurs directly.
- S4: The option "Advanced unit selection" could not be disabled.
- S4: The option "Automatically set minimap to soldier view" could not be disabled.
- S4: Fix the tool setting NO_GOOD for specialists (is now usable in the game configurations), this is only interesting for developers of balance mods.
0.9.76 (21.06.2022)
- Lobby: Added missing tooltips.
- S4: Fixed bug with "Enable custom presets at game start".
- Civilian units were not adjusted for the Viking.
- Builders and levelers can now be reliably set to values between 0 and 5.
- S4: Fixes incorrect texts in the final statistics.
0.9.75 (19.06.2022)
- Lobby: Adds a news menu with links to news, features, changelog and wiki.
- Lobby: Adds a dropdown menu next to "New Game" to quickly launch Settlers III, Settlers IV or the respective editor.
- Website: Adds changelog to the website navigation.
- S4: Adds the option "Enable custom presets at game start".
- Allows you to specify the distribution of goods and the number of civilian units at the beginning of the game.
- Up to 10 profiles are available.
- Each profile distinguishes between "HG/MG/LG" with the distinction between "RND", "Metzel", "Buddel" and "Custom" cards and the race played (Roman, Viking, Mayan and Trojan).
- Civilian units that can be specified at the start are porters, builders, graders, geologists and pioneers.
- The distribution of goods (in percent) can be set for coal, iron, bread, meat, fish, grain, water and logs.
- Allows you to specify the distribution of goods and the number of civilian units at the beginning of the game.
- Website: Improved presentation of the ranking.
- S3: The option "Scroll speed" should now work again.
- S4: The option "Show random map preview directly" should now work more reliably.
- S4: The option "Extended keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys)" should now work more reliably.
- S4: The option "Show advanced hotkeys" should now work even when Settlers IV is open.
0.9.74 (13.06.2022)
- S4: Fixed problems with the display of "Hide statistics before end of game" for non hosts (flickering).
- S4: Login is no longer required to load a private game.
- S4: Changed the signature of the application to prevent virus scanner false detections.
0.9.73 (13.06.2022)
- S3: Fixed the problem that a save or a new game could not be started (original message: "Error - Got an unknown exception. This shouldn't happen!").
- S4: Fixed an issue where settlers standing around could block the Mayan Lumberjack's and Viking Stonemason's stacks of goods without being able to get out of the way of the respective worker.
- Affected buildings:
- Stonecutter (Vikings)
- Woodcutter (Mayans)
- Affected buildings:
0.9.72 (12.06.2022)
- S3: Team positioning now also works on random games where no mirror axis is assigned.
- S4: Ranked Setmap 1v1 and Setmap 2v2 added.
- S4: Implemented an option to show the game statistics only after the game is finished (has a winner). This can be set by the lobby host.
- Website: Problems with the display of Ranked fixed.
- S3: Upload stats via the lobby works again.
- S4: Some players could have a problem with not working hotkeys, the automatic game time display or the automatic minimap set to soldier view function. This should now be fixed.
- S4: Possibly improves the reliability of the game statistic at the end of a game.
0.9.70 (08.06.2022)
- S3: Some players could not host games because no one could join. This should be fixed now.
- S4: Some players could have a problem with unexpected firewall messages. This could also improve reliability when joining or hosting games.
- S4: Implemented updates for the improved tooltips
- Fixed several typos (note the tooltips represent the Classic Balancing).
0.9.69 (03.06.2022)
- S4: Implemented updates for the Balance Packs
- UBO 3.2.0 (All changes since version 2.9.3)
- Romans
- Now start on HGHG with 8 axes, 3 saws and 5 pickaxes (original values).
- Shield now protects 15 targets for 35 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
- Conversion now turns 7 targets instead of 6.
- Jupiters' Lightning now damages 15 targets instead of 14.
- Fish to stone now costs 2->8 instead of 1->4 and converts 6 stacks instead of 4.
- Medics now only heal 8 / 12 / 16 HP per heal instead of 12 / 18 / 24.
- The outline of the small temple has been made more precise, so it now no longer blocks some squares that were not actually occupied by the building. This also makes it minimally faster to level.
- Vikings
- Vikings receive an additional 5 boards when starting on HGHG.
- The small tower now costs only 3/1 instead of 3/2.
- The large tower now costs only 7/4 instead of 7/6.
- The castle now costs only 12/6 instead of 12/8.
- Wild wealth now always spawns 20 deer (previously 16-24).
- Freeze now lasts 10 seconds (previously 9).
- Fear now lasts 20 seconds (previously 18).
- Thors' Hammer now only costs 20->80 mana instead of previously 30->120.
- The forester now only pauses 3 seconds between operations instead of 5.
- Camp should now be comparable to Romans in terms of leveling time (down from 42 leveling squares to 30).
- Viking waterworks now works one second faster. This should now put it on par with the Romans and Mayans in terms of productivity.
- Prices of the larger viking eyecatchers are increased to bring their effectiveness closer to the eyecatchers of the other races
- Eyecatcher05 (Small Garden): 4/2/3 + 2/0/0 -> 6/2/3
- Eyecatcher08 (Great Warrior): 1/3/3 + 0/1/0 -> 1/4/3
- Eyecatcher09 (Great Farmer): 1/2/3 + 2/0/0 -> 3/2/3
- Eyecatcher10 (Park of Peace): 2/3/2 + 0/2/0 -> 2/5/2
- Eyecatcher11 (Burial Chamber): 3/4/3 + 0/0/1 -> 3/4/4
- Eyecatcher12 (Fountain): 1/5/2 + 1/1/0 -> 2/6/2
- Mayas
- Wood to gold now only costs 12->48 mana instead of previously 16->64.
- Promotion now only costs 20->80 mana instead of 25->100.
- Banish enemies has been set to 20 targets again instead of 30.
- Mayan fertility spell now instant grows all plants within 30 hexes (roughly equivalent to a hunter's workspace).
- The large tower now no longer blocks space for its entire upper floor, but in a similar frame to its similarly built Viking counterpart. This also makes it level faster.
- Trojan
- start now on HGHG with 9 axes.
- The bakery now only costs 6/3 instead of 6/4.
- Goose breeding now costs 8/4 instead of 8/5.
- Mill now costs 5/1 instead of 5/2.
- Sulfur and stone mines now cost an additional board each.
- Sulfur to iron now costs 10->40 instead of 8->32.
- Peacekeeper now hits 10 targets instead of 8.
- The oil press now no longer pointlessly blocks a detached square away from the building.
- Romans
- UBO-Test 2.9.3 (Test Branch)
- The Ultimate Balance Overhaul test now includes Legacy version 2.9.3 while the Settlers IV 2v2 tournament is still running.
- UBO 3.2.0 (All changes since version 2.9.3)
- S4: Fixes a bug that when changing the settings a ranked lobby became a normal lobby.
0.9.68 (28.05.2022)
- Lobby: Adds the "Minimize to Tray" functionality of known launchers.
- In the context menu of the tray icon, Settlers III, Settlers IV or the respective editor can also be launched directly.
- The context menu of the tray icon can now be used to search for updates.
- S3: Fixes a bug that a building was not proceeding at 99% digging progress.
- S3: Improves freeze fix to not require crushing the construction site.
- S3: Fixes some graphics errors when quickly changing zoom levels.
- S4: Fixes a bug that saves could not be joined via double click.
- S4: Fixes a bug that 2v2 rankings were not recorded.
0.9.67 (22.05.2022)
- Lobby: Adds the option for the host to mark specific games as "Ranked" so that they can be evaluated separately.
- Lobby: Adds an icon to distinguish a ranked and unranked game in the lobby.
- Lobby: Adds a button to show the map preview in the lobby (only for maps that are on the mapbase).
- Lobby: Adds a button to display the resource map instead of the regular map preview for a Settlers 3 setmap when a map is selected under "Create New Game".
- Pregame/Statistics Screen: Adds an icon to highlight scored game.
- S3/S4 Pregamescreen: Adds an icon to highlight scored game.
- S3/S4 Statistics screen: Adds an icon to highlight scored game.
- S4: Adds some file entries needed for scripted maps where the player plays the Dark Race.
- S3: Fixes a bug that caused same random races per team to be assigned incorrectly when closed spots were present in the game.
0.9.66 (15.05.2022)
- Lobby: Improves map download from the mapbase.
- S3: Fixes a bug where the market/port target could not be set.
0.9.65 (12.05.2022)
- S3: Allow to set waypoint for all barracks from global menu.
- S3: Fixes a crash that could occur when resetting zoom via N hotkey.
0.9.64 (08.05.2022)
- S3: Fixed a bug that prevented collection points at barracks from working as intended.
- S3: Fixed bug where a few menu buttons did not work.
- S3: Fixed bug where incorrect start positions were selected.
0.9.61 (07.05.2022)
- S3: Added some additional factors for selecting start position combinations (does not change the map itself):
- Added Factors:
- similar flatness for all positions (preferably flatter)
- a minimum amount of reachable land
- a minimum amount of reachable stones
- Existing Factors (not new, just for reference):
- a minimum distance between positions (preferably higher)
- reachable resources to produce a minimum soldier count
- reachable resources to produce similar soldier counts on each spot
- Added Factors:
- S3: Added a special debug mode for start positions to test out different factor weights/values (available under Settings -> Settlers 3 -> Tools -> Development Options -> Random Debug Mode).
- S3: For barracks, you can now define a staging area. There is no restriction on the distance of the staging area, however, it has to be on the same continent.
- S3: When a house is selected, the remaining number of settlers is now displayed.
- Lobby: Hosting/joining maps that are not in the mapbase works again (S3 & S4).
- S3: The replay files are only written when the stats are available to prevent abuse.
- S3: Fixed a bug that prevented the shipyard from being crushed via hot keys.
0.9.60 (02.05.2022)
- Lobby: Maps from the mapbase now contain a hash, which ensures that the latest map is always downloaded when starting from the lobby (if necessary). This also ensures that incorrect map downloads are automatically corrected.
- S3: With new random balancing active, start position combinations where the worst position is better will be favored more strongly.
- S4: Fixed a bug in the final statistics where the clicks made during the game were repeated in the final statistics.
0.9.59 (30.04.2022)
- S3: Reduces the volume of the forest fire sound effect modestly and limits its playing frequency.
- S3: Re-activates the bees sound effect (only audible at a certain zoom level) and limits its playing frequency.
- S4: Implements the latest updates for the WarriorsLib (from MuffinMario#1403 and Gemil#7491).
- S3: Fixes a bug where one more settler was leaving a house than the overall settler capacity allowed.
- S3: Fixes a bug on mirrored random maps with new balancing that caused the starting swamp for Asians to be added in an unrelated location.
- S4: Fixes a cosmetic bug where settlers who become soldiers are counted twice in the final statistics. Earned points are not affected by this change, as this has always been taken into account.
- S4: A message is now displayed when resetting the HD patch (via the reset option in the settings).
0.9.58 (02.04.2022)
- S4: Implemented updates for the Balance Packs
- UBO-Test 3.1.4 (Test branch)
- Vikings
- Removed two of the five additional boards for HG Vikings.
- Viking stonemasons have their original ProductionDelay restored.
- Wild wealth now always spawns 16 deer (previously 16-24).
- Maya
- Mayan fertility spell now instant grows all plants within 30 hexes (roughly equivalent to a hunter's workspace).
- Vikings
- UBO-Test 3.1.4 (Test branch)
- S4: Fixes bug with WarriorsLib (from MuffinMario#1403 and Gemil#7491)
0.9.57 (26.03.2022)
- Docs: Settlers United and Settlers IV Docs added (Gemil#7491)
- Here you can find information about Settlers III, Settlers IV and Settlers-United.
- See also https://docs.settlers-united.com/
- S4: WarriorsLib added (by MuffinMario#1403 and Gemil#7491)
- Plugin that adds additional Lua functions for controlling "controllable" units and some helpful functions for controlling warriors in general.
- See also https://docs.settlers-united.com/v/s4-warriorslib-en
- S3: Fixes a bug where mouse clicks in the chat area sometimes didn't work.
- S3: Fixes a bug where the ENTF hot key did not work for some buildings (warehouse, dock, market and war machine workshop).
0.9.54 (01.03.2022)
- S4: Changed order of balancing settings
- Changed the order of the Balancing Options selection options to "Classic", "Ultimate Overhaul", "Ultimate Overhaul (Test)" and "Community Patch".
- S4: Implemented updates to the Balance Packs
- UBO 2.9.3
- Romans
- Shield spell now only protects 15 targets for 30 seconds.
- Romans
- UBO Test 3.1.3 (Test Branch)
- Vikings
- Vikings receive an additional 5 boards when starting on HGHG.
- Experimental Viking buff (cheaper lumberjacks, more expensive foresters) withdrawn due to potential impact on LG.
- Viking waterworks now works one second faster. This should now put it on par with the Romans and Mayans in terms of productivity.
- Vikings
- UBO 2.9.3
- S3 & S4: Some settings enabled by default were not displayed correctly after disabling and then restarting Settlers United.
- S4: Improves some wording in the lobby setting options.
- S4: Fixed a bug with hotkeys when the game language was other than German.
- S4: Fixes a bug that on some systems the hotkey info button in the settings did not work.
0.9.52 (20.02.2022)
- S4: Added setting "Automatically set minimap to soldier view
- The option "Automatically set minimap to soldier view" can be found in the "Settings for Settlers IV" under "Graphics" in the "Interface" section.
- With this option you can set the minimap to be automatically set to soldier view.
- Note that the extended hotkeys have to be activated.
- S4: Added setting "Show random map preview directly
- The option "Show random map preview directly" can be found in the "Settings for Settlers IV" under "Graphics" in the "Main Menu" section.
- With this option you can define that the random map preview is displayed directly in the main menu.
- Note that the extended hotkeys have to be activated.
- S3: Fixes a bug with replays.
- S4: Fixes a bug with the setting "Always show game time".
0.9.51 (20.02.2022)
- Lobby: Improves performance when many games are open at the same time.
- S3: Adds the possibility to start a singleplayer game directly at "create new game". In the singleplayer you will go directly to the main menu. From there you can switch to the other menus.
- S3: Improves the team colors in the minimap in spectator mode so that they are easier to distinguish from each other. Also reduces the luminosity of the color for borders to make them easier to distinguish from soldiers.
- S4: Added setting "Always show game time
- The option "Always show game time" can be found in the "Settings for Settlers IV" under "Graphics" in the "Interface" section.
- With this option you can set that the game time (F7) is always displayed.
- Note that the extended hotkeys have to be activated.
- S4: Added setting "Use the ground textures of the new world in the editor
- The option "Use the ground textures of the new world in the editor" can be found in the "Settings for Settlers IV" under "Graphics" at the bottom of the "Editor" section.
- With this option you can always use the ground textures of the new world in the editor. The textures used in the game can be switched directly in the main menu settings if the HD patch is activated.
- S4: Improved extended hotkeys
- When creating random maps, the default is now 1024x1024 size, 90% land mass, lots of mineral resources, lots of resources, and 6 players selected.
- When creating random maps, the "TAB" key can be used to create a new random key. This makes it much faster to click through possible random maps.
- The hotkey "DEL" can be used to switch to the demolition mode of a building. Confirmation of the demolition is still required. This feature is still under development.
- S3: Fixes graphics errors in the landscape that could sometimes occur when zooming out.
- S3: Fixes a bug from the previous update that sometimes caused the scroll speed to deviate from the original when using the original scroll method (Gold Edition).
- S4: Fixes a very rare bug that could cause a Fatal Error when triggering the hotkeys very quickly.
- S4: Fixes a bug that the statistics for Romans displayed during a running game showed wrong or no values for wine, sheep and ammunition.
0.9.50 (15.02.2022)
- S3: Adds new hot keys when a building is selected:
- "TAB" - jumps to the next building of the same type
- "SHIFT+TAB" - Jumps to the previous building of the same type
- "^" - Sets a building to priority or removes it
- "DEL" - Switches to the demolish menu of the building, pressing it again will demolish the building
- "SHIFT+S" - Stops/starts the building
- "SHIFT+W" - Switches to the menu for setting the working radius
- S3: Fixes a bug where movement commands could be sent unintentionally when moving the map quickly with the right mouse button.
- S3: Fixes a bug where movement commands were not sent at game speed "Extreme".
- S4: Fixes a bug that prevented a reliable upgrade of HD patch assets from version "0.8.1-Beta" to "0.9.0-Beta".
- S4: Adds a way in the settings to reset and completely re-download the HD Patch (on game startup).
0.9.47 (13.02.2022)
- S3: Adds "Scroll with right mouse button and at edge" as scroll mode.
- This is now selected by default, and can be changed in the settings to scroll only with right mouse button or only at the edge if desired.
- S3: Implements different scrolling methods:
- Gold Edition method (original): when using the right mouse button, the map moves in the same direction as the mouse moves. The mouse pointer stays on the same place on the screen during the movement.
- History edition method: When using the right mouse button, the map is moved in the same way as you are used to on a touchscreen, i.e. against the mouse movement. The mouse pointer moves with the map.
- S4: Implements a new option for the game control "Advanced unit selection" (from @anyfreak07#7807).
- This option can be used to allow simultaneous selection of more than 100 units. Group size is still limited to 100 units.
- S4: Implements a new option for the sound options "Sound effects: Disable notification sound 'BING'" (from @King Jo#8890).
- This option allows you to disable the "BING" notification sound for incoming messages. This setting is mainly interesting for streamers.
- S4: Implements updates for the Balance Packs
- UBO Alpha 3.1.1 (Test branch)
- Vikings
- Restored original floor plan of the small temple. Although it was possible to isolate the cause of the crash that occurred when a temple construction site was demolished. However, the new floor plan also made it possible to create passageways that were too narrow for more than one settler.
- Vikings
- UBO Alpha 3.1.1 (Test branch)
- Lobby: Improved the handling of the VPN setup to avoid unnecessary error messages.
- S3: Internal improvements to simplify the implementation of the new AI.
- S4: Improves the downloader of the HD patch
- S4: Code improvements to the ModApi
- Mod-API update to version 2.3.0 (from @anyfreak07#7807 and @WizzardMaker | Jonas#0420)
- Zoom-Mod update to version 2.3.0 (from @anyfreak07#7807 and @kdsystem1337#7007)
- Hotkey mod update to version 2.3.0 (from @WizzardMaker | Jonas#0420 and @kdsystem1337#7007)
- When text is entered in chat, no building is selected anymore.
- Preparing to implement more hotkeys (e.g. tear down building, priority on/off and many more QoL hotkeys).
0.9.46 (06.02.2022)
- S4: Implemented a new downloader for the HD patch to download only the changed content in upcoming updates.
- S4: Implemented bug fixes for buildings (from @rob997#6645).
- Settlers could get stuck in the door
- Romans
- Grey farm
- Healer hat
- Smalltemple
- Vinyard
- Woodcutter hat
- Maya
- Donkey Ranch
- PortC
- Slaughterhouse
- Smalltemple
- PortG
- Vikings
- Fisherhut
- Grey farm
- Healer hat
- Sawmill
- Slaughterhouse
- Smalltemple
- Smeltgold
- Smeltiron
- Stonemine
- Waterworkhut
- Weaponsmith
- Trojan
- Grey farm
- Healer Hat
- Smalltemple
- Sulfurmine
- Sunflowerfarmer hat
- Romans
- Construction worker could be requested to an inaccessible place
- Viking
- Guardtowersmall
- Trojan
- Eyecatcher02
- Goldmine
- Marketplace
- Residencesmall
- Viking
- Settlers could get stuck in the door
- S4: Implements updates for the Balance Packs
- UBO Alpha 3.1.0 (Test branch)
- General
- SU global fixes have been adopted to prevent the doors of certain buildings from being blocked by individual settlers.
- Romans
- Now start on HGHG with 8 axes
- Vikings
- Camp should now be comparable to Romans in terms of leveling time (down from 42 leveling squares to 30).
- Lumberjacks now cost one board less, Foresters one more (Experimental!)
- The stonemason now pauses two seconds less between operations to compensate for the relatively long distance between the discard pile and the door.
- Mayas
- Now start on HGHG with 7 axes
- Banish enemies has been set to 20 targets again.
- Upper floor of large tower touched up a bit more so it's more like Viking's.
- Trojans
- start now on HGHG with 9 axes
- Goose breeding now costs 8/4 instead of 8/5
- Mill now costs 5/1 instead of 5/2
- Oil press and sunflower farm now have the costs intended for 3.0.1 (4/2 and 6/2 instead of vice versa).
- General
- UBO Alpha 3.1.0 (Test branch)
- Lobby: Improved the display of the team constellation.
- S3: Transfer of settings at game start made more reliable to reduce desyncs on bad connection
- S4: Lobby names may now contain the characters "-" and "_" again.
0.9.45 (30.01.2022)
- Lobby: Added a "Teams" column to the game overview.
- Lobby: Improved nickname handling in connection with Discord (in development). Nicknames will always be set to the Discord server nick in-game. First time request for Settlers III and Settlers IV if Ubisoft, InGame or Discord names differ.
- S3: Game speed can be adjusted in singleplayer or replay with F1-F3.
- S4: Implements a test branch for UBO:
- UBO Alpha 3.0.0 (test branch).
- Romans
- Shield now only protects 15 targets for 30 seconds.
- Medics now only heal 8 / 12 / 16 HP per heal.
- The outline of the small temple has been made more precise, so it now no longer blocks some squares that were not actually occupied by the building. This also makes it minimally faster to level.
- Vikings
- The small tower now costs only 3/1.
- The large tower now costs only 7/4.
- The castle now costs only 12/6.
- The outline of the small temple has been made more precise. As a result, it is also leveled a bit faster, but most importantly, it is no longer quite as bulky to place.
- The forester now only pauses 3 seconds between operations instead of 5.
- Mayas
- The large tower now no longer blocks space for its entire upper floor, but in a similar frame to its similarly built Viking counterpart. This also makes it level faster.
- The conversion spell now only costs 14->56 mana.
- The HGHG start gets his 8th axe back (as with Classic Balancing).
- Trojan
- The bakery now only costs 6/3 instead of 6/4.
- Sunflower Farm increases in price from 4/2 to 6/2.
- Sulfur to iron increases in price from 8->32 to 10->40.
- Sulfur and stone mines now cost an additional board each.
- The oil press now no longer pointlessly blocks a detached square away from the building.
- Romans
- UBO Alpha 3.0.0 (test branch).
- S3: Fixed bug that Settlers III was sometimes not found when replays were started from Settlers United.
- S3: Replay files can now also be started correctly in Windows Explorer with "Opens with Settlers United".
- S4: Fixed language selection in launcher for French and Spanish.
0.9.43 (16.01.2022)
- Lobby: Performance updates when a large number of lobbies are open.
- S3: Fixed a crash at game startup that could occur under certain circumstances.
- S3: Replays now work in most cases for games continued from a save; in some cases desyncs can still occur when watching replays.
0.9.42 (15.01.2022)
- S4: Improves reliability of HD patch download, installation and uninstallation.
- S4: Faulty HD patch installations are detected more reliably and a reinstallation is performed.
0.9.41 (14.01.2022)
- S3: Implemented a replay feature for Settlers 3 games. These can be accessed in the lobby under statistics "📈". You can see the whole map and also watch the opposing players and fast forward the replay by pressing F12.
- S4: Implements the open beta of the HD patch for Settlers IV (from @WizzardMaker | Jonas).
- What is the HD-Patch?
- All important information about the HD-Patch can be found here https://settlers4-hd.com/.
- Activation?
- As soon as you start Settlers IV the next time you can activate the HD-Patch in the opening window.
- You can always go to the "Settings" in Settlers United and there to the tab "Graphics". There you will find the option "HD-Patch (Beta)" where you can activate or deactivate the HD-Patch.
- Download?
- Download starts only when Settlers IV is started and can take some time! Especially if many people download the HD-Patch shortly after the release.
- Requirements?
- What is the HD-Patch?
You can find them directly on the website - https://settlers4-hd.com/#downloads
- Known problems?
- You can find them directly on the website - https://settlers4-hd.com/changelog.html
- S3: The game settings are now displayed correctly when loading a save.
- S3: Fixed a bug that disabled the auto-save if the host left the game.
- S4: The swordsman level 3 icon of the Mayan/Viking barracks menu (in addition to the already fixed Roman icon) has been fixed (from MakusieQ).
- S4: Fixed the shifted "Create" icon on the multiplayer screen (from MakusieQ).
- S4: Improves FPS when using the HD patch significantly in most cases (from @WizzardMaker | Jonas).
0.9.40 (10.01.2022)
- S3: Fixes a bug with campaign unlocks.
- S4: Fixes a bug with the transfer of lobby data after a save was loaded (HG?? error).
- S4: Fixes an error when transferring lobby data after a save has been loaded (in-game time).
- S4: Fixes an error in the transfer of statistic data.
- S4: Improvements in the installation process of zoom and hotkey mods.
0.9.39 (08.01.2022)
- S3 and S4: Improvements to the API for the matches to also analyze the time course of a match.
- S3: Fixed a bug that the number of players in a Settlers III lobby did not correspond to the actual number of players.
- S3 and S4: Fixes a bug with the transfer of the statistic data.
0.9.35 (28.12.2021)
- S3: Adds some unit control settings to improve usability when switching between games.
- This setting is interesting for players who mainly play Settlers IV and only play Settlers III from time to time. It changes the unit control so that it works similarly to the control used in Settlers IV. For example, the behavior of 'CTRL' and 'ALT' is swapped when sending units, and specialists start working at the destination point if they were sent without 'ALT'.
- S4: Implemented UBO (UltimateOverhaul Balancing from @UltimateSpinDash) - Alpha 2.9.2.
- Adjustments to Roman combat spells:
- Shield spell now lasts only 40 seconds instead of 60 seconds. Also, shield spell now affects 20 targets again (as in 2.9.0) instead of 16.
- Adjustments to Roman combat spells:
- S3: Fixes a bug where war machines could not be attacked anywhere during peacetime.
- S3: Fixes a bug with a bugfix that could cause settlers to get stuck when the bugfix was active if a farmer, vintner, forester and rice farmer (among others) could not get out of their building if there was a settler on the current planting area.
- S4: Fixes a bug where the map name was not included in the game statistics.
- S4: Fixes a bug where the sounds were not played in the best quality. (Thanks to @iTrash for reporting and finding this - we hope this doesn't cause sound playback problems on some systems).
0.9.34 (11.12.2021)
- S3: Only for "New Balance" - Fixes a bug that (among others) farmers, vintners, foresters and rice farmers can't get out of their building if there is a settler on the current planting area.
- S3: New Balance only - Geologists now work like pioneers and are not limited to a small work area.
- S4: Tournament card support for "The Settlers 4 2v2 Tournament 2022".
- Under Settings "⚙️" - Settlers IV - Tool you will find this option. This option opens the user interface for unlocking the tournament cards.
- S4: HD Patch Support Implemented
- The upcoming HD-Patch from WizzardMaker is now fully supported. The download can be done directly via Settlers United in the future.
- S4: Fixes a bug when more than 9 buildings are on priority (known as priobug - existing saves are still affected).
- S4: Cleans up the Settlers IV installation directory a bit (removes bug files shipped unnecessarily by Ubisoft and adds the Settlers IV History Edition changelog).
0.9.33 (07.12.2021)
- S4: Same random races per team
- Each nation gets the same random races. For example, both teams have 2 Romans, 1 Mayan, or both teams have 3 Vikings. If the cards are mirrored, the same position on the opposing team will each receive the same random race. If the teams are set so that there are no equal positions in the opposing team, this feature is not supported.
- S4: Display of game time in the lobby
- The game time of a running Settlers IV game can be displayed by moving the mouse over the status icon "🎮" in the tooltip.
- S3: fixed the error when displaying the "player destroyed" message
- S3: Prevented the "Player destroyed" message from being displayed when spectators are seated (at the start of the game)
- S4: Fixed a bug that the final statistics could differ from the actual game time by a few seconds.
- S4: Fixed a bug that the random number generator was not available under Tools.
- S4: Fixes a bug with the ingame texts (thanks to @UltimateSpinDash)
- Added productivity of ammo manufactories and their counterparts.
- Tooltip for race selection in the lobby abbreviated.
0.9.30 (05.12.2021)
- S3: Observer mode: Different colors for teams on the minimap in observer mode.
- S3: The elapsed in-game time is now displayed as a tooltip in the lobby.
- S3: Most connection errors when joining and hosting S3 games should now be fixed.
- S3: Fixed a bug where UPnP had to be disabled in the router to play online.
- S3: Fixes a bug when detecting S3 GOG editions and Gold edition installations without save folders.
- S3: Prevented the message "Player destroyed" when viewer places (at game start).
- S4: Mod API update to version 1.0.0 (API adjustments for the upcoming HD patch by @WizzardMaker | Jonas)
- S4: Zoom-Mod update to version 2.0.0
- S4: Hotkey-Mod update to version 2.0.0 (from @WizzardMaker | Jonas and @kdsystem1337)
- The decoration objects are now scrolled in the correct order when placed via hotkey (both forward and backward).
- The decoration objects now always start at the first decoration object at the beginning of a new game or after restarting the application.
0.9.29 (28.11.2021)
- Lobby: It is now possible to use the Settlers United application under older 32 bit Windows versions.
- Lobby: S3 Settings - Disable option for music or set it to the played nation.
- Lobby: S4 Settings - All options can now be found directly in Settlers United, you have to reset the settings once.
- S3: Map Scenario - Team vs. Team Positioning: For mirrored random maps there is now the option to position the teams together on one side of the mirror axis.
- S3: Feature spectator team: The first or last team can be declared as spectator team. It can see the whole map and does not participate in the game itself. There must be at least three teams on the map for this to work.
- Lobby: fixed a bug that the installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable was not displayed correctly during the installation (a progress bar is now displayed)
- Lobby: Fixes a bug that pending Windows updates prevented the installation.
- S3: New Random Balancing now gives Asians a chance to start swamp even on mirrored maps.
- S3: Settings were unintentionally unavailable when no installation of Settlers IV was present.
- S4: Editor+ should now work again.
- S4: New bugfix Autosave now happens automatically every 4 minutes (reminder under Settlers III as usual every 2 minutes).
- S4: New bugfix Fixes a problem with the Trojan Marketplace, it requested the builders outside the site which could lead to it not being built. (Thanks to @rob997)
0.9.28 (25.11.2021)
- Lobby: Restructured the settings in Settlers United (Some more settings will follow with the next update)
- S3: The new chat should now work as usual.
- S3: Fixes a bug that S3 GOG and S3 GE can not be started.
- S3: Fixes a bug that S3 directories could not be saved.
- S4: Fixes a bug with plugins when upgrading from a previous launcher.
- S4: BlueByte default maps are now always visible.
- S4: The FE "Tiling: Out of Links" should not occur anymore.
0.9.27 (21.11.2021)
- S3: New zoom (zoom in, zoom out) (can be turned off in settings)
- S3: New new chat (HD, scrollable) (always enabled with zoom, can be disabled in settings)
- S3: New possibility to position game time from bottom right to top right (can be activated in settings)
- S3: New additional hotkeys (analog to existing default hotkeys from S4) (can be disabled in settings)
- ESC = deselect units and buildings or save game/open exit menu
- POS1 / HOME = set camera to starting point and reset zoom to default (100%)
- H = set camera to start point
- N = Reset zoom to default (100%)
- F6 = Open player menu
- SHIFT = When placing buildings, the building remains selected (Additional)
- Lobby: The installation and updates should now work in most cases without a computer restart.
- Lobby: Open games are displayed first (first S3 - then S4). Running games are displayed afterwards (first S3 - then S4). Also, saves at S4 are now highlighted by "Save: Mapname (Settings)".
- Lobby: The currently selected statistic is highlighted. (Local) saved stats can now be deleted.
- S3: Fixes a bug that blocked ALT+TAB and the Windows key
- S4: Fixes a bug with the conversion spell of goods (e.g. fish to stone or stone to iron)
- S4: Fixes a bug that arbitrary game settings are displayed in the save lobby.
- S4: Language and display mode can be selected in the settings (analogous to Settlers III)
0.9.26 (16.11.2021)
- Lobby: Differential updates (from this version on, updating should be much faster, only the changed content will be downloaded).
- S4: Implemented UBO (UltimateOverhaul Balancing) - Alpha 2.9.1
- Romans adjustments
- Shield spell now only affects 16 targets instead of 20
- Convert Barbarians now only costs 30->120 instead of 35->140, but has range 8 instead of 4, so you can reliably hit the 6 targets
- Sanis have now only 12/18/24 heal on T1 to T3 instead of 18/24/30
- Romans adjustments
- S4: Create new game - singleplayer "buttons and setup" adjusted.
- S3 and S4: Firewall rules optimized
0.9.25 (15.11.2021)
- S3: now works correctly with different DPI settings (e.g. 125%, 150% or even 200%) (reported by @Roxy and @v0lt669)
- S3: When hosting a S3 setmap, random positions can now be enabled/disabled (reported by @Greg0ree)
- S3: In window mode, resolution is adjusted in the pre-game screen (Reported by kdsystem1337)
- S3: Start goods can now be selected in the lobby (HG/MG/LG)
- S3: Further optimizations for the new S3 network code "New Network Code" made (a final test is still pending, but it looks good!)
- S3: Single player maps and saves from version 0.9.25 should work again in most cases. (In case of problems please delete all old saves) (Reported by @Hirschilein, @mavmav and others)
0.9.24 (09.11.2021)
- Lobby: With today's update the intrigued Discord client will be hideable! Recommended for all who already have Discord installed. For this you will first be asked: Do you want to embed the Discord chat here? The option "I USE THE DISCORD APP" makes the Windows window feature work again (both moving and "maximizing" by moving to the edge of the screen)
- S3: The server nickname is now used after a new login (instead of the Discord account name)
- S3: It should no longer come to incorrect S3_Multi.exe replacements with the GE / GOG version.
- S3: All S3 setmaps should now be included correctly again.
- S3: There should be a higher stability by using the Window (Fullscreen) Mode.
First release (09.11.2021)
Lobby (from Knogger, JHNP, WizzardMaker & kdsystem1337)
- Website with twitch streams (from Knogger)
- Mapbase with automatic map download for S3 & S4 for the host and fellow players (from Knogger & kdsystem1337)
- Game Integration (from JHNP)
- Statistics display and posting (also possible in game) (from Knogger, JHNP & kdsystem1337)
- Icon/Logo (from WizzardMaker)
- Settings "⚙️" (from kdsystem1337)
Settlers III
General improvements (from JHNP)
- Support for S3:Gold Edition, S3:Ultimate Collection (GOG.com) and S3:History Edition
- Rendering in "full screen (windowed mode)" and "windowed mode" possible
- Rendering performance improved and network lag significantly reduced
- Adds zoom
Revisions (from JHNP)
- New statistics dialog with HD graphics, additional information and team statistics
- New chat with scrolling
- Additional hotkeys
Bug fixes (from JHNP)
- Fixes a bug where objects were not displayed after a certain height
- Fixed some game crashes (rendering related)
- Fixed some Amazon building bugs, where builders got stuck and new building material could not be delivered (fishing hut & big tower)
- Fixed a bug where the game was still active in the background when pressing ALT+F4
- Only active with GameMode "New Random Balancing
- Fixes a bug that (among others) farmers, winegrowers, foresters and rice farmers do not come out of their buildings when there is a settler on the current planting area.
- Geologists now work like pioneers and are not limited to a small work area.
Game Modes
- "Increase Transport Limit": this significantly increases the transport limit.
- "Speed": Adjust the game speed
- "New Random Balancing" (from Suma & Senna).
- General
- Probability of ponds and lakes near the center of the map increased. The size of lakes varies greatly and not all lakes will have rivers
- Asians
- Mines are improved: 20% less waiting time before a mine run, 40% for gold mines; miners perform one additional mine run per food eaten
- Shield spell now makes immune to other combat spells (Convert, Banish, Punish Bows, Freeze, Fear) and cancels negative effects (Freeze, Fear) and the cost is reduced from 20 to 15 mana
- fish spell has reduced cost (from 10 to 4 mana)
- have a very high probability of a little swamp near their starting position
- Cost of the small tower is reduced from 3 to 2 boards
- Egyptian
- Soldier upgrade requires less mana (L3 after 80 mana instead of 110).
- Slightly increased catch rate for fishermen
- For more details, see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UiOyFGyMnl3cxygU1QFYbzV4sbnyHVTxcEtYH_XQPvw
- General
Map scenario
- "Equal random races per team": random races are drawn so that each team gets the same races.
- "Team vs. Team Positioning": For mirrored random cards there is now the option to position the teams on one side of the mirror axis each.
- Set peace time (L2 or 35/60/90/100min)
- Set thieves (if and if so how to steal)
- Disable war machines
- "Spectator team": the first or last team can be declared as a spectator team. It can see the whole map and does not participate in the game itself. There must be at least three teams on the map for this to work.
Settlers IV
Bug Fixes (from JHNP)
- Fixes a bug where the construction site was not finished ("pegs" bug), or no construction workers came to the site
- Fixes a bug where levellers did not finish the work at the construction site and thus held up the construction work
- Fixt a bug where goods were sometimes not removed from stopped buildings
- Fixed a bug where storage stacks became unusable after a goods conversion spell was used.
- Fixed a bug where the Trojan marketplace could not be built reliably.
- Fixed a bug when more than 9 buildings are on priority (known as the priority bug).
- Fixed a bug that could crash the host's game in the game lobby.
- Fixes a bug that produced a Fatal Error: Tiling: Out of Links.
- Adds desync protection: players who are not using the same S4 version as the host will no longer be able to set themselves to "Ready" and will receive a warning message
Game Integration (from JHNP).
- Games are displayed in the lobby and can be joined from there.
- Games created with S4:History Edition can be joined. However, in this case all bug fixes and other game changes (game modes) are not active.
- If a game was created with the Settlers United version, all S4:History Edition users will receive a warning message.
New game UI (from kdsystem1337)
- The statistics dialog has been rebuilt with HD graphics, is now sorted by points and contains additional information like soldier distribution by levels or many more economic statistics.
Game Modes
Game modes can be turned on by the lobby host in the game. By default, no game modes are active, only bug fixes are always active.
- Adjustment of settler limit regardless of the number of players (from sc0uty).
- Increase of the transport limit (from nyfrk & kdsystem1337)
- Equal random races per team (Each team gets the same random races) (from JHNP)
- Adjustment of the game speed (from Sc0uty)
- Balancing: Community Patch (from CP-Team) & Ultimate Overhaul Balancing (from UltimateSpinDash) - see pinned messages
New game control settings (from JHNP).
Adds two new game control settings for priests that anyone can enable on their own to feizujust unit control.
- Disable selection of priests as part of military unit groups: When soldiers are selected, priests are no longer automatically selected as well. Instead, they must be explicitly clicked on individually or addressed via a unit group (1-9).
- Automatic spell selection after casting: Once a spell has been cast, the spell is automatically deselected so that it is not accidentally cast multiple times.
- Replaced the hint sound with the Gold Edition "BING" sound (from King Jo and Akulisch).
- Fixed the Maya music bug (from UltimateSpinDash)
- Improved tooltips (from UltimateSpinDash)
- Fixed the swordsman level 3 icon of the Roman/Mayan/Viking barracks menu (from MakusieQ)